Monday, January 10, 2022

Internet or traditional classroom essay

Internet or traditional classroom essay

Combining both forms of learning that is; internet-based learning and traditional classroom learning will not be a bad idea at all that is, if applied carefully. Owen, S. Sort By: Most Relevant Highest Grade. This encourages team work when partners or members are situated far away from each other. First, information about the internet or traditional classroom essay tradition can be conveyed by hypertext documents on the World-Wide Web. Definition of Internet — Based Learning Internet-based learning also known as e-learning is any-time, anywhere instruction delivered over the Internet to browser-equipped learners [1], internet or traditional classroom essay. Traditional Culture Traditional Education Traditional Family Traditional Methods Traditional Values Traditional Views Traffic Traffic Congestion Traffic Control Traffic Lights Trafficking Tragedies Tragedy In Shakespeare Tragedy Of Hamlet Tragedy Of Macbeth Tragedy Of Romeo Tragedy Othello Tragic Character Tragic Comedy Tragic Deaths Tragic Downfall Tragic End Tragic Events.

Distance Learning vs. the Traditional Classroom

Introduction Internet — based learning and traditional classroom internet or traditional classroom essay are the popular learning styles known to some people. There have been several debates and which is still going on about which learning is the best. However, both learning styles have their limitations, advantages and disadvantages, but researchers still argue that one of the learning styles earlier mentioned is better than the other. Critics point out that Web-based training is a good alternative for independent, self-motivated students but that technical issues and the need for human contact limit its usefulness for students with other learning styles. More about these learning styles will be discussed in this paper.

Definition of Internet — Based Learning Internet-based learning also known as e-learning is any-time, anywhere instruction delivered over the Internet to browser-equipped learners [1]. Another definition of internet-based or web-based learning is the teaching and learning supported by the resources and attributes of the Internet [3]. There are two primary models of Internet or traditional classroom essay instruction: synchronous instructor-facilitated and asynchronous self-directed, self-paced. ICT Revolution. Order custom essay Internet — Based Learning Versus Traditional Classroom Learning. with free plagiarism report. The arrival of Information Communication Technology ICT revolution has made the world witness an expansion in Lifelong Learning, and it is also an ongoing process.

The new ICT revolution has enabled academic institutions to provide more open and flexible learning environment for students. The Internet is possibly the most transformative technology in history for reshaping business, media, internet or traditional classroom essay, entertainment, and the society in amazing ways. But for all its power, it is now being tapped to transform education. Computer based learning and teaching is a rapidly growing area in education. Opportunities are evolving in the area of web-based learning through ICT enabled education as bandwidth and transmission speed increases.

These opportunities are increasing accessibilities and the quality of ICT enabled education, internet or traditional classroom essay. The convergence of new information technologies such as computers, internet or traditional classroom essay, satellites, telecommunications, and fiber optic technologies make it easier for institutions to implement Lifelong Learning. Web-based course delivery can offer a vibrant learning environment created through different teaching strategies, activities, internet or traditional classroom essay, and technologies.

Traditional forms of education are being transformed as the Internet becomes the new medium for communication [4]. Internet-based learning provides flexibility to pursue education at personally convenient times. Internet-based learning also provides opportunity to take time to compose thoughts or ideas contributed in class internet or traditional classroom essay newsgroups which is the asynchronous type of web-based instruction. Furthermore, it enables interaction with classmates in different locations with the help of audio CDs, Video CDs, and real time text.

Using hardware to provide education is synchronous communication. Internet-based learning reduces the cost of travelling to attend lectures. Students using the Internet-based learning style tend to have wider range of opinions and views about some of the discussion made. Students are able to progress in internet or traditional classroom essay course at their pace and in order of their own personal needs [5]. Limitation of Internet — Based learning Everything in this world comes with positive and internet or traditional classroom essay points. Similarly Web Based Training also has its share of disadvantages and limitations.

be provided. When the student is not motivated, it leads to drop out. The cost of computer equipments and communication infrastructure may limit the number of students that can afford internet-based learning. The internet-based learning may be intimating or awkward for some students to use. Students will have a lack of technical support in their homes to use the software tools needed in the course. Poor technical support or tutorial help can lead to incorrect usage of software tools needed to do assignments [5]. Definition of Traditional Classroom Learning The traditional classroom has been successful because it provides a means through which learning happens.

Traditional classroom learning also called back-to-basics refers to a room especially designed and furnished to provide a favorable learning environment [6]. Advantages of Traditional Classroom Learning The advantage of traditional classroom learning is that it gives opportunity for students to get correct response from the teacher immediately a question is been asked. There is a room for the instructor to conduct secure assessments. Traditional classroom learning is closed and fairly free from internet or traditional classroom essay distractions. It is fairly homogenous and concentrated. Another advantage of traditional classroom learning is that it provides students with a fixed schedule and specific periods dedicated exclusively to learning.

In a traditional classroom environment, learning begins with the teacher sharing his knowledge with students, proceeds with discussions between the teacher and the students and ends with the new information written in notebooks. The learning atmosphere of the traditional classroom helps them to stay focused and keeps them motivated [7]. Limitations of Traditional Classroom Learning Traditional training emphasizes passing tests, whether or not students understand the testing material. The learning process is thus devalued, and students are not encouraged to understand the methods, techniques and skills required to find answers.

It ignores individual learning differences between students. There is also no flexibility in traditional classroom learning. Not all students can afford to travel to the place where they get lectures, considering this, it may present an issue to financially challenged students [8]. Conclusion Traditional forms of education are being transformed as the Internet becomes the new medium for communication. Internet-based learning is a very good form of learning, but the introduction should not necessary mean that traditional classroom form of learning should be eliminated. Internet-based learning should be used for lecturing and traditional classroom learning for the practical part of learning, workshop and labs.

Combining both forms of learning that is; internet-based learning and traditional classroom learning will not be a bad idea at all that is, if applied carefully. Works Cited [1] Clark, Donald. Learning Technologies at Virginia Tech. Web-based training e-learning. University of Mumbai. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Internet — Based Learning Versus Traditional Classroom Learning. Free Essays - PhDessay. Internet — Based Learning Versus Traditional Classroom Learning. com, internet or traditional classroom essay, Apr 25, Accessed January 7, comApr As a student I need to have general internet skills to survive at the University of Phoenix.

These skills include Understanding what the purpose of the browser is. Understands the. Abstract Road traffic on public roads around the world is a vital problem and is seemly a major pretend to conclusion makers. Urban region have a great stack of traffic jams. In this essay, the two different attacks of accounting have been discussed. One attack is being followed by FASB and the other attack is being followed by IASB. These two. This paper explores the benefits of the inclusive classroom over the concerns that this kind of learning is hindering academic internet or traditional classroom essay. In The Other Side of Inclusion, Associate Professor Wade.

Baum, S. Owen, S. Transfering Individual Self-Regulation Procedures from Humanistic disciplines to Academics. Arts Education Policy Review Distance learning classroom Education is a lifetime investing. Education is a cardinal to success and internet or traditional classroom essay holding a better hereafter and a really promising calling. With the latest technological promotions present. After carefully observing at all the learning tools for our success in my EDU class, I must say that all these learning tools give me an excellent opportunity to learn. In a quotation mark by Columbia professor and philosopher, Mortimer Adler, ''The intent of acquisition is growing, and our heads, unlike our organic structures, can go on turning as we. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible.

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In a traditional classroom environment, learning begins with the teacher sharing his knowledge with students, proceeds with discussions between the teacher and the students and ends with the new information written in notebooks. The learning atmosphere of the traditional classroom helps them to stay focused and keeps them motivated [7]. Limitations of Traditional Classroom Learning Traditional training emphasizes passing tests, whether or not students understand the testing material. The learning process is thus devalued, and students are not encouraged to understand the methods, techniques and skills required to find answers. It ignores individual learning differences between students. There is also no flexibility in traditional classroom learning.

Not all students can afford to travel to the place where they get lectures, considering this, it may present an issue to financially challenged students [8]. Conclusion Traditional forms of education are being transformed as the Internet becomes the new medium for communication. Internet-based learning is a very good form of learning, but the introduction should not necessary mean that traditional classroom form of learning should be eliminated. Internet-based learning should be used for lecturing and traditional classroom learning for the practical part of learning, workshop and labs.

Combining both forms of learning that is; internet-based learning and traditional classroom learning will not be a bad idea at all that is, if applied carefully. Works Cited [1] Clark, Donald. Learning Technologies at Virginia Tech. Web-based training e-learning. University of Mumbai. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Internet — Based Learning Versus Traditional Classroom Learning.. Free Essays - PhDessay. Internet — Based Learning Versus Traditional Classroom Learning. com, Apr 25, Accessed January 7, com , Apr As a student I need to have general internet skills to survive at the University of Phoenix.

These skills include Understanding what the purpose of the browser is. Understands the. Abstract Road traffic on public roads around the world is a vital problem and is seemly a major pretend to conclusion makers. Urban region have a great stack of traffic jams.. In this essay, the two different attacks of accounting have been discussed. One attack is being followed by FASB and the other attack is being followed by IASB. These two. This paper explores the benefits of the inclusive classroom over the concerns that this kind of learning is hindering academic growth. In The Other Side of Inclusion, Associate Professor Wade. They act immature and sometimes become involved with bad crowds. How would you feel knowing that your child is in a classroom bored and not getting the education they need to exceed in life?

The Internet has however come a long way in the past ten to twenty years. Now a student is able to take his or hers classes without the distraction that would come from a traditional classroom. Internet class are a much better choice for. When considering everything, it is easier now more than ever to get a decent respectable education. There are two types of educations available to the masses traditional and online. Online courses can be more cost effective, flexible, and offer more variety. Traditional face to face. My Problem With Standards: Implementing Group Work in the Non-Traditional Enlish Classroom This experience opened my eyes.

I learned a lot, and my ideas and ideals have changed since I completed the first part of this project. As a student teacher in a vocational program, academics were not the priority of these studentsótheir specialties and there outside jobs were. At first, I found this challenging in a negative way; but gradually, I saw possibilities. The biggest challenge that I saw as. education is a process that creates and provides access to learning when time and distance separate the source of information and the learners" Zhang, , p. The "need to take the distance out of education has not been driven largely by sheer need to bridge physical separations. It has been based mainly on providing access as open as possible to those who are willing. The Future Of Education: On-Line Classes "The future is outside the traditional campus, outside the traditional classroom.

Distance learning is coming on fast," says management philosopher Peter Drucker qtd. in Ebeling and Gubernick. One form of distance learning, on-line education courses offered over the Internet , has caught the eye of the public and is forcing educators to reevaluate the present state of the educational system. Because of their convenience, cost, and amount of and access. my classroom will have a mixture of the philosophy of idealism and pragmatism. I want to be very knowledgeable in my area of teaching and I love the idea of teaching what I know to my students. My students are going to challenge themselves as learners.

Currently, there are many students who are enrolled in online study programs. According to research, this method of teaching is efficient because it gives students convenient time to finish their assignments in a timely manner. Internet learning allows part-time and fulltime employed students to learn over the internet at their convenience. Students are able to focus on specific courses that are relevant to the degree course they are undertaking. This enables them to finish their degrees on time. Moreover, students under online study programs do not travel from distant places to attend to lessons in physical classrooms. Instead, they study from their convenient places and find it easy and useful to share knowledge online. Furthermore, this method trains students to work in a virtual environment.

This encourages team work when partners or members are situated far away from each other. They claim that online teaching or learning makes education to appear like an industrial process that lacks physical human interaction because it alienates teachers from students. Moreover, some institutions do not recognize degrees that were earned online. This means that the system has not yet been accepted universally as being capable of conferring valid degrees, diplomas or certificates. Some people still question the validity and effectiveness of this method of teaching.

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