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Microbiology essay topics

Microbiology essay topics

If you need immediate help with your paper, contact our academic writers. Protozoology microbiology. I do microbiology essay topics and respect the rules of this institution, microbiology essay topics. Nevertheless, students should be ready to spend time and effort researching any of these ideas before writing. He is interpretative, respectful, focused ad practical. Warnings to stay away from the convention area and to report to a local hospital if symptoms developed after being in the area or in contact with someone who had been at the convention should be issued CDC This… References Al-Thaqafy, M.

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Although microbes are usually associated with causing and aiding disease, they are essential organisms in the ecological world. They allow for microbiology essay topics to thrive and are of great interests for food, scientific, and medical industries Black, Each of these types of microorganism is responsible for everything that can essentially cause illness in living organisms, but are also necessary for the microbiology essay topics functioning of a mammal's digestive tract. However, in early scientific history, as illnesses were being investigated and the cell theory was beginning to emerge, the question about whether life could come out of nowhere was being explored. Because the majority of microorganisms were practically invisible, early microbiologists did not understand the concept….

References: Nester, E. Microbiology: A human perspective. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Black, J. Microbiology, principles and explorations. Microbiology Microbes Microbial metabolism is referred to as the manner in which microbes find their nutrients and energy that makes them live and reproduce. The paper will describe metabolic requirement for Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium botulinum that provide them with environment that support their growth. The paper also summarizes mechanism of action by which drug inhibits the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus is microbiology essay topics facultative anaerobic gram-positive cocci that is able to occur in irregular, in pairs or in single cluster.

Nevertheless, most of the strains may as well look non-hemolytic and dirty white. Generally staphylococcus aureus is known to find their microbiology essay topics environment on the skin as well as mucous membranes…. References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "Botulism in the United States, Handbook for epidemiologists, clinicians, microbiology essay topics, and laboratory workers. Department of Health and Human Services, CDC. Keith R. Schneider, Alexandra Chang and Renee M. Goodrich Preventing Foodborne Illness: Clostridium botulinum. Retrieved May 18, Food and Drug Administration. Microbiology How to discover the causative agent of a new disease and its mode of transmission: The standard epidemiologic triangle model of infectious disease causation, asserts that communicable diseases are the result of the contact between the agent, surroundings and the host with the vector.

Transmission in particular happens if the agent leaves the host or reservoir via an exit portal and then it is moved transmitted in a particular form and enters a vulnerable host, infecting it through a suitable portal of entry. This cycle is also is widely regarded as the sequence of infection. The locale where the infectious agent usually breeds and multiplies in number is its reservoir. The environment, animals and humans are some of the reservoirs. A contagious agent can be transmitted to a host either directly from a reservoir or through other microbiology essay topics sources.

There are several different ways by which diseases spread from…. References: Bailey, R. htm BiologicTX. Kidney transplantation: A guide for patients. htm CDC. Introduction to epidemiology. This is primarily because two sprouting facilities in two states were linked with the implicated alfalfa sprouts and only one lot of seeds from Idaho State was common to Michigan and Virginia, microbiology essay topics. Microbiology essay topics, the likely point of contamination include during growth or harvesting, seed processing, microbiology essay topics, in storage, or during transportation of the food.

This implies that the identification of the actual point of contamination requires collection of more information on each of these steps. Question The results of inspection of the alfalfa fields indicated that the three possible source of contamination include cattle manure, deer feces, and irrigation water. Generally, cattle are the basic reservoir for E. coli OH7 microbiology essay topics other animals like deer can either be carriers of or become infected by the bacteria. Therefore, inspecting the alfalfa fields and harvesting process may require consideration of the site of the fields, soil, fertilizer, pesticides, irrigation water, harvesting and…. Works Cited: Canada. Health Canada. Risks Associated with Sprouts.

The Government of Canada, 11 Aug. Clark, Marler. Marler Clark, 24 May United States. Department of Health and Human Services. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. A Multistate Outbreak of E. By Jeanette K. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Apr. Quality in the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory The objective of this study is to define quality in the microbiology clinical laboratory including its major components. Toward's this end, this study will examine what constitutes quality in the laboratory setting microbiology essay topics will list and discuss the activities in the laboratory that are designed to assure quality from collection of specimen to reporting. Quality management in the clinical microbiology field was initiated in the decade of the s with government and professional societies alike introducing proficiency testing and laboratory inspection and accreditation programs.

It is reported that there were many laboratory scientist and pathologists "independently active and creative in expanding efforts to monitor and improve practices. Bibliography Bartlett, RC, et al. Clinical Microbiology Reviews. Janp. pdf Elder, B. And S. Cumitech competency assessment in the clinical microbiology laboratory. Coordinating ed. ASM McCarter, microbiology essay topics, Y. And A Robinson. Competency assessment in clinical microbiology. Sharp, microbiology essay topics, S. Initial training verification and competency assessment in the clinical microbiology laboratory.

Base Case Study Microbiology Which organism is causing the food poisoning include genus and species? Microbiology essay topics is the most common source of contamination? The organism causing the food poisoning is E. coli or Escherichia coli. The most common source of contamination is through food like in ground beef, venison, sausages, dried non-cooked salami, unpasteurized milk and cheese, unpasteurized apple juice and cider, alfalfa, parsley, microbiology essay topics, radish sprouts, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, microbiology essay topics, fruit, nuts, and berries, and cookie dough.

What information should Ami gather from the victims and their families? Ami should gather what the victims have eaten prior to being sick. Why do children seem to be the most ill? The children seem to be the most ill because their immune system isn't fully developed and are weak, so they are at an increased risk of serious complications from E. How does this bacterium damage its victims? The bacterium damages its…. Certainly, the fact that I signed up for the course both times I was given a form is an indication of my understanding of my responsibilities and my desire to fulfill them. When I was not scheduled for these classes, I assumed I still had some time to meet the requirements in a future semester.

However, I am learning only now that due to the aforementioned inconsistency between the handbook and the curriculum itself, that there is a requirement for this course to have been completed before I am able to move on the next tier of my education. I do understand and respect the rules of this institution. However, in my current position, I am imploring you to consider that this misunderstanding was a reasonable one and that I might be entitled to be made an exception. Certainly, I have had every intention of taking the required microbiology course. Microbial World The history of Microbiology Microbiology dates back to the s. This is when there was recorded evidence of scientists collecting and observing micro organisms. obert Hooke was microbiology essay topics first person to do so, as he studied strands of fungi among the different cells he observed.

In the s, Anton van Leeuwenhoek conducted research on protozoa, fungi and bacteria. After he died, is when the theory of spontaneous generation was developed. This is because there were only a handful of experiments to support his claims, microbiology essay topics. Under the theory, it was believed that life forms emerge from lifeless matter such as beef broth. This debate continued until Lazzaro Spallanzani and Francesco edi disputed it through a series of experiments that were conducted by them. Bastian, Black, In the late s, Louis Pasteur concluded that bacteria can make someone ill and demonstrated how it will have an effect on….

References Bastian, C. Evolution and the Spontaneous Generation Debate.

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It is the study of how genes are organized and regulated in microbes concerning their cellular functions. This sub-discipline is associated closely with the field of molecular biology. Microbial Physiology. The study of the functioning of the cell biochemically is known as microbial cell physiology. Study of microbial growth falls in the same sector. The cell structure and microbial metabolism are defined and analyzed in this area. Mycology study fungi and its environments. Fungi are living organism and mycologist study it and its habitable conditions. Veterinary Microbiology. Microbes have roles to play in the veterinary medicine. Dealing With the study of these functions is known as microbiology. There is many viruses in the human body and outside human body transferred in many different ways.

The study of these viruses is referred to as virology. Microbial systematic. There is the study of diversity which is known as the genetic relationship of microorganisms. Protozoology microbiology. Protozoa is a living organism. In situations where protozoa is studied by experts microbiology, sciece refer it as protozoology. Parasitology microbiology. Parasites are of different types from both animals and plants. The research and study of different parasites are parasitology. The Psychology microbiology. Algae are of different types and sites have to analyze them differently to differentiate them. Any study of algae by through science is known as phycology.

Study of immune system and the way to protect ourselves from diseases is defined as immunology. Microbial routine is said to be any extended study of the relationship of the microorganisms and their diversity. Microbial taxonomy. Animals and insects are named differently according to their ways and means of survival. The naming of the classification of these organisms is known as microbial taxonomy. Generation microbiology. Some organisms have the same characteristics as their parents. These plants and animals are put under particular categories different from the rest. When an expert study the organisms science refer it as generation microbiology.

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In addition, flu-related hospitalizations and deaths continue to go up nation-wide and are above what is expected for this time of year. The story is both a local and national headline. The television news report '60 Minutes' lead off this week's show with a serious discussion about all aspects of the new viral spread of the H1N1 virus and issues regarding the production process…. References American Society for Microbiology and Corporate Author Patrick R. Manual of Clinical Microbiology Manual of Clinical Microbiology. American Society Microbiology. detection of the Borna disease virus relating them to the epidemiology. The first cases of Borna disease were descried in the th century in Southern Germany. It was discovered to e a fatal disease affecting the neurological systems of horses and sheep, Ludwig et al.

It was proven to e caused y a ] Today it is eing realized that the scope of the disease is not limited to just a few countries as was previously elieved ut encompassed the world. Also it was realized that far from affecting just horses and sheep as was originally thought virus, the Borna Disease Virus BDV in the early 's y Zwick and his team in Giessen Germany. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B. Staeheli, P. Schwemmle, M. Epidemiology of Borna disease virus, J Gen Virol 4. htm 5. Nakamura, K. Isolation of Borna disease virus from human brain. Journal of Virology 74, Zimmermann, W. Detection of Borna disease virus RNA in naturally infected animals by a nested polymerase chain reaction.

Journal of Virological Methods 46, Mold Spore Trapping Current Scientific Knowledge People are exposed to aeroallergens in a variety of settings, both at home and at work. Fungi are ubiquitous airborne allergens and are important causes of human diseases, especially in the upper and lower respiratory tracts. These diseases occur in persons of various ages. Airborne spores and other fungi particles are ubiquitous in nonpolar landscapes, especially amongst field crops, and often form the bulk of suspended biogenic debris. The term mold often is used synonymously with the term fungi. A more precise definition would specify that molds lack macroscopic reproductive structures but may produce visible colonies. Respiratory illness in subjects exposed to rust and dark-spored imperfecti fungi was described more than 60 years ago, and physicians worldwide now recognize a sensitization to diverse fungi.

Since fungus particles commonly are derived from wholly microscopic sources, exposure hazards are assessed largely through direct sampling of a…. Bibliography Brinton, W. An outbreak of organic dust toxic syndrome in a college fraternity. Journal of the American Medical Association Ceigler, A. Mycotoxins and Mycotoxicoses. Bio-Science Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report MMWR ; MMWR ; Purpose and structure of importance Description of the problem being addressed and its importance to the practice of applied food safety Process of Consultation Outline how the client ABA will be engaged and carefully define the problem Identification of key stakeholders Overview and feedback of findings and results ecommended actions and dissemination of these recommendations Plans for implementation and measurement Major findings.

The U. Although industry analysts project sustained growth in the U. baking industry, this growth will not be on par with other industries Bakery business, Currently, the U. References About us. American Bakers Association. american bakers. Albion, R. The growth of the American economy: An introduction to the economic history of the United States. New York: Prentice-Hall. Bakery business. SBDC Net. Baking industry economic impact study, The goal of initial antibiotic therapy for bacterial keratitis is the proper selection of a drug which has coverage for the aetiopathogen. Microscopic evaluation of corneal smears can provide insight into the identity of the pathogen, but when smear examination is uninformative the principle of managing bacterial keratitis has been to use antibiotics which have coverage that is sufficiently broad and effective to treat the leading corneal pathogens.

As mentioned previously the virulent nature of this disease necessitates immediate treatment but the…. Works Cited Murillo-Lopez, Fernando H. An analysis of commonly used ocular antibiotics. Ophthalmol [serial online] [cited Mar 23]; Kemp Health Center Outsourcing Plan Business Outsourcing The Kemp Health Center KHC is actively pursuing organizational changes to allow the hospital to operate in a more efficient manner. This report outlines the findings of the Laboratory Performance Management Team. The team investigated various options to help the Laboratory lab at KHC operate as efficiently as possible without impacting the ability to provide cost-effective, patient-focused and quality healthcare to our patients.

The following paragraphs illustrate the options explored and the proposed solution that will help KHC enhance operations and illuminate the organization's mission and vision statements each and every day. Current State of the Kemp Health Center' Laboratory The KHC lab is…. Improve focus on mission - KHC will be able to pay more attention and devote more time on the organization's mission. Outsourcing reduces cost and provides KHC with the benefit of much needed quality services Ume, Proposed Solution The Laboratory Performance Management Team at the Kemp Health Center recommends forming a contract with either Portneuf Medical Center or LabCorp for the outsourcing of most clinical laboratory services other than STAT studies and essential microbiology services; the selection.

In those cases, there was very early diagnosis and administration of intravenous and intrathecal or intraventricular amphotericin B. with intensive supportive care One survivor received miconazole intravenously and intrathecally and rifampicin orally Other treatment options include the drugs rifampicin and micoazole. Again, one of the major obstacles to effective treatment is the rapid progression of the disease. Nevertheless, there have been documented recoveries from PAM Seidel ; Wang ; Khan Early recognition and treatment of the disease appear to be the chief elements in successful outcomes At the time of Khan's writing, the drug of choice for treatment of human cases was amphotericin B.

In conjunction with rifampin as well as…. References: Embrey, Martha. Microbiology of waterborne diseases: microbiological aspects and risks. Academic Press; 1st edition. Jarillo-Luna, a. Intranasal immunization with Naegleria fowleri lysates and Cry1Ac metaplasia in the olfactory epithelium and inceases IgA secretion. Parasite immunology,30 1 , p. Native Americans in the 18th century contracted smallpox thanks to the U. soldiers in Fort Pitt giving them "some blankets and handkerchiefs" that were taken from patents in the infirmary with smallpox heelis. It was a deliberate "attack" and wiped out many Indians. Also, during the American Revolutionary ar, England were known to have inoculated smallpox on civilians with the intention of spreading it to the Continental Army. In orld ar I through the Germans waged "an ambitious campaign of covert biological attack" by injecting horses and mules being sent to the Allies with glanders and anthrax heelis.

The Japanese used B 8, 9, 10 in China during II; heelis writes that the Japanese "poisoned wells with microbial cultures, sprayed the ground with cultures" and left contaminated food for the Chinese army to eat and become ill. The Soviets are accused of having used biological weapons tularemia against…. Works Cited Center for Biosecurity. BioAgents and Epidemic Diseases Background Information. Categorization and Ongoing Assessment of Biological Agents. Ready America. Biological Threat. Due to the apparently low level of contagion, the need for public awareness is not urgent, but it is still necessary. Warnings to stay away from the convention area and to report to a local hospital if symptoms developed after being in the area or in contact with someone who had been at the convention should be issued CDC The known details of the attack, however, should not be released, as it is likely to create panic and bolster the terrorists' optimism.

Federal assistance should be immediately sought, not necessarily for control of the spread of the disease but for the investigation and apprehension of suspects. All available resources should be called in as soon as possible in order to counter the attack. As far as treatment of the attack goes, mass prophylaxis of all convention attendees and those who have come into contact with infected individuals should be…. References Bravata DM, Sundaram V, McDonald KM, Smith WM, Szeto H, Schleinitz MD, et al. Accessed 25 April htm Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Epidemiology The epidemiology of Microbacterium hatanis is unknown at this time New species of bacteria contaminates hairspray, However, researchers have found similar bacteria to infect humans and are concerned with what impact Microbacterium hatanis will have. For this reason, researchers will conduct additional testing to determine if the new species poses a health threat and, if so, researchers will make recommendations for new hairspray formulations to prevent future contamination. Conclusion The discovery of Microbacterium hatanonis is significant because contamination of cosmetic products has previously been thought to be rare. This new species in hairspray will no doubt lead to further research in this area, especially since Microbacterium hatanonis can grow in an environment which is pH neutral and 30°C, the environment common in the manufacturing of may commercial cosmetic products Contaminated hairspray, Hairspray, with its high alcohol content, had not seemed to provide the ideal conditions for life….

Bibliography Bakir, M. And Benno, Y. Microbacterium hatanonis sp. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. Wall Street Journal. hile Xylitol was being used elsewhere in the world the United States still have "an abundant amount of sugar available" so it wasn't heard of in the U. until it arrived in chewing gum in hile Germans and Italians -- along with the Russians and Japanese -- were using it as a sugar substitute, Americans were still heaping piles of sugar on their breakfast cereal and in their coffee and ice tea. But today, Xylitol is marketed in the U. As "Miracle Sweet," "Perfect Sweet," and "Healthy Sweet" Gare, 8. Is it more or less expensive than sugar?

Gare writes that it is "far more expensive than sugar, albeit recently the price has been coming down low enough to be marketed in items like cake mixes, brownies, muffins, cookies, candies, ice creams and puddings; Gare asserts that Xylitol in these baked items make them taste as least as good…. Works Cited Gare, Fran. The Sweet Miracle of Xylitol: Easyread Super Large 20pt Edition. Mendez-Vilas, Antonio. Current Research Topics in Applied Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology: Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology Biomicroworld Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific, Moritz, Andreas.

Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation. Landrum, SC: Ener-Chi. Human papillomavirus HPV is a virus that causes warts. HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases STDs. It belongs to the Papovaviridae family. HPV is a small oncogenic DNA virus, which infects epithelial cells of skin and mucous membranes. A definitive diagnosis of HPV infection depends on the detection of nucleic acids DNA or NA or proteins. Morphology HPV is a relatively small, non-enveloped virus, and 55 nm in diameter. It has an icosahedral capsid composed of 72 capsomers, which contain at least two capsid proteins, L1 and L2. Each capsomer is a pentamer of the major capsid protein, L1.

Each virion capsid contains several copies about 12 per virion of the minor capsid protein, L2. The virus is said to somewhat…. References Anderson, N. And Pearsall, R. Microbiology a human Perspective. New York: Mc-Graw Hill Burd, E. Available from World Wide Web:. Instituting these measures showed that the company was vitally interested in not only maintaining the company's integrity, professionalism and reputation but also in ensuring that the problems never arose again. Other methods initiated by the company included a program that would test heat cleaning of apples that would kill the bacteria while not affecting the taste of the apples. The company also introduced a process of cleaning and decontamination called "flash pasteurization, which "would guarantee that E-coli had been destroyed whilst leaving the best flavoured juice possible.

Some experts wonder why the company did not use the pasteurization method before the outbreak. Health officials said when people drink non-pasteurized juice, they run the risk of becoming sick. They suggest boiling juice first. But authorities also said most juices sold in stores are safe. html, Accessed Sept. html , Accessed Sept 6, E. Campylobacter jejuni is a helical shaped, non-spore forming, curved, Gram-negative bacteria which is most often found in animal feces. This bacteria comes from the intestinal tracks of animals where is exists as a mixed surface-associated community, protected by an extra cellular material called a biofilm.

The protection afforded to the bacteria by the biofilm makes it an extremely resilient bacteria. Siringan, It was originally discovered by Theodor Escherich in and called "Vibrio," but in a new genus was created for this organism, called Campylobacter. jejuni is one of the "most important human enteropathogens among the campylobacter. jejuni was believed to be primarily an animal pathogen causing enteritis and abortions in cattle and sheep, but it…. References Acheson, David. Campylobacter jejuni Infections: Update on Emerging Issues and Trends. Clinical Infectious Diseases 32 8. full Altrkruse, Sean, et al. Emerging Infectious Diseases 5 1. htm "Bad Bug Book" U. Compliance to Ventilator Care Bundles on educing Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia VAP is a common infection that is acquired by patients who have used mechanical ventilation in health care facilities.

This infection has generated numerous concerns in public health because of its negative impacts on health care. Some of these negative health effects include extended hospital stays, increased costs of health care services, and deaths. Consequently, there have been numerous initiatives in healthcare to address this problem including ventilator care bundles. Existing literature on evidence-based practice for dealing with VAP has shown that compliance with ventilator care bundles is the most suitable clinical intervention Al-Thaqafy, For this study, the John Hopkins Nursing Evidence Practice Process will be utilized to facilitate compliance to these bundles in order to reduce VAP.

John Hopkins developed an equation that helps administrators quantify probable savings through lessening hospital-acquired infections like VAP Guterl, References Al-Thaqafy, M. Association of Compliance of Ventilator Bundle with Incidence of Ventilator-associated Pneumonia and Ventilator Utilization among Critical Patients Over 4 Years. Annals of Thoracic Medicine, 9 4 , Cost Implications of VAP. aspx Lawrence, P. The Ventilator Care Bundle and its Impact on Ventilator-associated Pneumonia: A Review of the Evidence. Nursing In Critical Care, 16 5 , x Mukhtar, A. Reduced Incidence of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Ventilator-associated Pneumonia in Trauma Patients: A New Insight into the Efficacy of the Ventilator Care Bundle.

Trauma, 16 3 , Emergency Action Plan As a strict requirement of OSHA, the clinical laboratory science department must comply to this standard that is used in describing all the appropriate actions that must be taken by the facility in order to ensure that there is proper safety in case of any accidents such as fire outbreak. Fire Safety As a strict requirement of OSHA, the facility must ensure that there is a proper Fire Prevention Plan that is necessary to avert any kind of loss of either life or property. Medical and First Aid All the employees who work in this department must have the necessary component of both medical and first-aid providers. This is in order to ensure that any emergency situation that arises can be met with the appropriate solution.

Personal Protective Equipment Due to the high risk of infection that is associated with the samples in the laboratory, it is…. Bibliography AIUM, Standards and Guidelines for the Accreditation of Ultrasound Practices ARDMS Introducing There are almost 60 programs accredited by the NAACLS for clinical assisting and phlebotomy. The Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools and the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs are two extra and relevant accrediting associations Clinical Laboratory Technologist and Technician Career, Job and Employment Information, Laboratory technologists and technicians must be licensed in order to be employed in a number of states; information concerning attaining the license is accessible from the State departments.

Nongovernmental agencies, frequently a professional society, set principles and endorse those who meet or surpass their principles. Most companies in this field necessitate certification for new employees and for progression. Each business sets their own principles and is supported by diverse groups Clinical Laboratory Technologist and Technician Career, Job and Employment Information, Lab technicians frequently must have a bachelor's degree and pass an examination in order to be licensed. Yet, the necessities….

Works Cited Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 11 Edition, Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians, viewed 2 October , "Career: Clinical Laboratory Technologists. Salary was commensurate with experience. A software system architect for the Interoperable Solutions Team at Motorola would be part of a development group within the company's Worldwide adio Solutions Group. Salary was not specified. A systems analyst for eCommLink was to act as a liaison between eCommLink's engineering, quality assurance, business, and operations teams and create the technical requirements for the prepaid card system created by the company. eferences Associate product lifecycle management specialist.

Con Agra. aspx Manager, business development II, Air Force…. References Associate product lifecycle management specialist. aspx Manager, business development II, Air Force systems and requirements. BAE Systems. These two simple measures can drastically increase the subsequent spread of infectious disease throughout the country. In Outbreak, the military institutes martial law to quarantine the infected populace in the town of Cedar Creek. Eventually, the military begins plans to bomb Cedar Creek in an attempt to eradicate the virus, which had thus far proven untenable. hile the concept of the United States government destroying a small town and murdering its populace is likely superlative Hollywood movie-making, the institution of martial law is a realistic and effective approach toward preventing further spread Yassi et al.

In addition to the non-medical measures which can be taken to deal with the spread of an infectious agent, there are several medical actions which could be utilized to treat infected invididuals, including antivirals, antibiotics, or vaccines Yassi et al. For example, antivirals and vaccines are both being utilized in an…. Works Cited Cavendish, M. Diseases and Disorders p. Marshall Cavendish. Groseth, A. The ecology of Ebola virus. Trends in Microbiology, 15 9 , Petersen, W. Warner Bros. Preston, R. Panic in Level 4 p. Random House, Inc. Using condoms is also an excellent prevention activity that can also be used Primary and Secondary HIV Prevention, Potential obstacles to HIV prevention activities taking place in clinical settings often include: narrow formations of medical care and the role of physicians or health care providers in HIV prevention, a provider's discomfort with discussing human sexuality and illicit drug use and their attitudes towards persons with HIV or AIDS along with constraints on time and resources, and the vagueness of HIV prevention messages Primary and Secondary HIV Prevention, The very nature of HIV transmission involves behaviors that are not readily discussed in American society.

It is important for health care providers to become comfortable discussing sexual and substance-use activities with their patients. They need to create an environment of trust for patients so their risk behaviors can be discussed. It is important to assure the patient of the confidential…. References ABCs of Aids Prevention - Presentation Transcript. Retrieved September 4, , from MayClinic Web site:. However, advancements in pharmacogenetics promises new and better ways of managing diabetes. Studies have shown that Lisofylline, an anti-inflammatory compound is very effective in suppressing the autoimmune activity and in improving the islet secretion of insulin.

Reduction of inflammatory cytokines IFN-? And TNF-? levels correlated with reduction in ss cell apoptosis. al, ] Recent study by Lipsett et. al has shown that Islet Neogenesis-Associated Protein INGAP is useful as a pancreatic regeneration agent. Successful tests in mice and regeneration of cultured human pancreatic cells have encouraged the researchers to seriously consider INGAP as an effective agent for improving insulin synthesis. al, ] A recent Cornell University study focused on an entirely different approach to diabetes management. The researchers examined the possibility of recombinant Commensal bacteria engineered to….

Bibliography 1 George S. al 'Expanded T cells from pancreatic lymph nodes of type 1 diabetic subjects recognize an insulin epitope'. Nature -- 4 Mathieu C, Gysemans C. al Jul , 'Vitamin D and Diabetes', Diabetologia. Treatment The Infectious Diseases Society of America or IDSA came out with guidelines on the treatment of the infection. A multidisciplinary group, which prepared these guidelines, included infectious disease specialists, rheumatologists, neurologists, pediatricians, and entomologists. The guidelines primary apply to the disease strain acquired in the U. And do not tackle the diagnostic evaluation of the disease.

They recommended oral and parenteral therapies according to a timetable. Doxycycline or amoxicillin, cefotaxime or penicillin would be prescribed. The guidelines warned against the use of first-generation cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, and benzathene penicillin. Greater Recovery Among Children Studies conducted on children treated for Lyme neuroborreliosis in an endemic area in Sweden showed that of them recovered complete in two months. The children exhibited fatigue, facial nerve palsy, loss of appetite and fever as symptoms. At 2 months, of them recovered completely. At 6…. Lyme neuroborreliosis and aggression. Action Lyme. htm -. Lyme, depression and suicide. These proteins include homologous members of yeast.

The presences of these proteins suggest that E. histolytica is skilled to perform homologous recombination, which is the same as in other organisms. DNA damage was evaluated by TUNEL assay. In yeast and in human cells, histone H2AX becomes rapidly phosphorylated when DSs are introduced into chromatin Lavi et al. Studies show that histone as a protein plays a significant role in the transition between the expression of a fetal gene and that of the adult gene. The adult gene's metabolism becomes oxidative in order to adapt to air and to weight, as it generates methylated transmitters and creatine phosphate.

The muscles get used to life on the ground as compared to the fetal life which takes place in an aquatic environment. Regulated proteins allow the muscles to respond in a more adequate manner to this environment. Now, let us see how histone…. Bibliography Abraham, R. Alexiadis, V. Waldmann, J. Andersen, M. Mann, R. Knippers and C. CGruss Aten, R. And H. Behrman Antigonadotropic effects of bovine ovarian gonadotropin-releasing hormone-binding inhibitor from bovine ovaries. Purification and identification of histone H2A. Persons who live or work in environments in which varicella transmission can occur e.

Nonpregnant women of childbearing age. Vaccination of women who are not pregnant -- but who may become pregnant in the future -- will reduce the risk for VZV transmission to the fetus. Interpretation of elative History: month female with fever, diffuse rash Prime demographic for varicella infection Child is irritable but alert Good sign, since toxicity would be an issue with this child. A good level of consciousness is useful in assessing the level of illness but can change quickly in the pediatric population Her heart rate is beats per minute She is tachycardic, but most likely due to the fever and irritability. The child is not described as tachypneic …. References Hamment, JM.

FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology [FEMS Immunol. Haiduven-Griffiths D, Fecko H. Varicella in hospital personnel: a challenge for the infection control practitioner. Infect Control ; Some of the options available to patients are p. The fluoride protects against cavities. Peridex or generic To control bacteria, result- chlorhexidine mouth ing in less plaque and gin- rinse givitis Periochip To control bacteria and re- duce the size of periodon- tal pockets Atridox To control bacteria and…. References Adams, T. Professionalization, Gender and Female-Dominated Professions: Dental Hygiene in Ontario.

Daily Post Liverpool, England , p. Smiles All around Women Clean Up in National Contest for Hygenist of the Year. Daily Herald Arlington Heights, IL , p. Total Quality Management Practices and Business Outcomes: Evidence from Dental Practices. Bioreduction will be most effective in the future if researchers and engineers can develop more effective means of delivering needed nutrients to the microorganism strands used in remediation efforts, as well as tailor site conditions as needed. In the final analysis, it seems most likely that a combination of extractive and immobilization techniques will produce the best results, by each removing aspects of chromium contamination that the other cannot effectively eliminate.

orks Cited Camargo, F. Ciura, J. Kapoor, Anoop, and Viraraghavan, Thiruvenkatachari. Works Cited Camargo, F. Pagilla, Krishna R. It has also been suggested that low-level viral replication associated with SV may be a driver in chronic inflammation in some sufferers of chronic lung disease, although this is so far uncertain Openshaw, It is estimated that infants who develop a wheeze as a result of SV contraction develop a recurring wheeze in around two thirds of all cases. It is also estimated that around half of these children will develop some form of asthma Lehtinen et al. It is unclear why there are some who experience delayed onset of SV, although both immune 'imprinting' and viral persistence have been implicated Openshaw and Tregoning, Diagnosis The condition is diagnosed through rapid antigen-detection tests.

It is difficult to diagnose SV in adults as the tests are insensitive in persons other than children, and practitioners rarely request tests for SV in adults. This means that it is difficult to…. References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Respiratory Syncytial Virus. National Center for Infectious Diseases: Respiratory and Enteric Viruses Branch. Feltes, T. And Sondheimer, H. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy, 7 9 : Flynn, J. And Jahania, S. net "How is RSV infection diagnosed? One possible explanation for the differences observed in the studies could be that the strengths of the chlorhexidine solution were different.

It could also be that over time more effective techniques have been developed in the application of the solution, as the results do appear to improve over time. There are limitations to the methodology of the study which are centered on the use of secondary data for analysis. The use of secondary data allows a wider range of data to be gathered from across the U. than would be practical from primary data collection which is the reason for the choice in this study. However this puts the control of several variables beyond the researcher.

The results of the techniques may have been affected by the application of different individuals, departments and hospitals, all of whom may vary techniques and other factors influencing the success of these techniques. References Adams, D. Journal of Hospital Infections, 61 4 , Brungs, S. Using Evidence-Based Practice to Reduce Central line Infections. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 10 6 , Guidelines for Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; Recommendations and Reports, 51 RR , CDC Mission. Therefore the consequences of such restrictions and regulations have further complicated the case, the research activities have been either shunned or go unreported to avoid any confrontation with the investigation agencies, 'the climate of fear created by the Butler case is even threatening the ability of the United States government to detect bioterrorist activity, the labs in one state are no longer reporting routine incidents of animals poisoned with ICIN, a deadly toxin found in castor beans, for fear of federal investigation'.

Stanley Falkow, a respected researcher at Stanford University in California, in his letter to the former attorney-general of the United States revealed that, 'Trying to meet the unwarranted burden of what the government considers 'bio-safety' is simply not coincident with the practice of sound, creative scientific research'. The government introduced a policy which highlighted the need for tight control over the biologists 'with access to dangerous pathogens', in…. References Robyn L. Pangi, Arnold M. Countering Terrorism: Dimensions of Preparedness. MIT Press. Stages of Terror: terrorism, Ideology, and Coercion as theatre History.

Jamie Lewis Keith. Regulation of Biological Materials under Export Controls and Bioterrorism Laws. University of Florida Press. Debora MacKenzie. crackdown on Bio-Terror is backfiring. New Scientist Publication. November Therefore, Hexsel's study will not be included in this analysis for failure to meet the study protocol. Another human study involved a case study of a single patient. This Brazilian study represented a case study and does not meet the protocol for inclusion in this analysis either Rittes, As there have been no human studies in the United States to date, we must rely on studies published in other countries for our meta-analysis.

A study conducted in Vienna by Karl Heinrich will be used as one of the studies to be analyzed. This was the only study that could be located involving an actual population of human subjects, as this type of research is prohibited in the U. At this time. The sample population used by Heinrich consisted of 86 individuals who received a standardized series of treatments. This study suffered from significant flaws that make the results questionable. Works Cited Atoba MA, Ayoola EA, Ogunseyinde O. Effects of essential phospholipid choline on the course of acute hepatitis-B infection. Trop Gastroenterol. Bechara FG, Sand M, Altmeyer P. Intralesional lipolysis with phosphatidylcholine for the treatment of lipomas: pilot study.

Arch Dermatol. Hanin I, Ansell GB, eds. Technological, Biological and Therapeutic Aspects. New York and London: Plenum Press; Doris Hexsel ". Antimicrobial Agents in Household Use: Triclosan Describe how Triclosan works on a molecular level. Explain how Triclosan differs from soap and bleach in its antimicrobial activity. Triclosan blocks the active site of the enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase enzyme EN , this is the vital enzyme in the synthesis of fatty acid in bacteria Levy et a, Blocking this active site by triclosan leads to the inhibition of the enzyme thus preventing the synthesis of the fatty acid by the bacteria, a process needed for building cell membranes and reproduction.

Given the fact that this EN enzyme exists in humans, triclosan has been considered to be relatively friendly to humans. Due to its strong nature of inhibition, powerful antibacterial action can be achieved using only a small amount of triclosan. Triclosan differs from soap and bleach in the mechanism of action. Levy et al. References Bester, K. Levy, C. Lindstrom, A. In certain countries, an effective supervisor possesses basic teaching skills, facilitation skills, negotiation and assertiveness skills, counseling and appraisal skills, mentoring skills, and knowledge of learning resources and certification requirements Kilminster. The most important aspect of the role of an effective supervisor is giving supervisee responsibility and the opportunity to practice it Kilminster, Supervisees come to view the supervisor as a colleague and this leads them to become self-directed.

Some supervisees consider teaching skills and techniques, interpersonal style and professional competence the most important characteristics of an effective supervisor. An effective supervisor shows empathy, is supportive, and exhibits flexibility, instruction, knowledge, interest in supervision and good tracking of supervisees. He is interpretative, respectful, focused ad practical. In contrast, an ineffective supervisor is rigid, shows little empathy and provides low support. He fails to consistently track supervisee concerns, teach or instruct. He is indirect and intolerant. He is close-minded. The good supervisor. ERIC Digests: ERIC Clearinghouse on Counseling and Student Services. htm Joslin, v.

Ten traits of a good supervisor. Associated Content: Yahoo. html Kilminster, S. Effective supervision in clinical practice settings. Vol The core principles of lean are fundamentally the same as these other disciplines, but lean thinking has developed this theory into a generic concept that can be more readily applied in a diverse range of industries using a more people focused approach. Lean thinking is more than an initiative; it is an all-encompassing business ethic that every function throughout the company supply chain must be committed to if the company is to achieve an integrated approach to improving our products, processes, people and plant capability.

Lean thinking is based on creating value driven activity by defining the value stream of a product from the customers' perspective. The value stream is…. Bibliography Bartlett J, Cameron P, Cisera M. The Victorian emergency department collaboration. Int J. Qual Health Care ; Balle, F. The gold mine: A novel of Lean turnaround. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Lean Enterprise Institute. Bicheno, J. The Lean toolbox for service systems. Buckingham, UK: Picsie Books. Doll R. Controlled Trials: The Watershed. Nursing a provides an account of your observations on the management of peripheral intravascular devices from your clinical practicum in NMIH; Clinical practicum NM1H introduces nurses to the management of peripheral devices via scholarly inquiry and clinical practice.

The practicum includes a thorough training in handling, inserting, replacing, and dressing peripheral intravascular devices including peripheral venous catheters. Because the primary risk associated with peripheral intravascular devices is infection, proper management of the devices is crucial. Bloodstream infections can cause patient casualties, leading not just to humanitarian disasters but also financial ones as well. Hand washing vigilance is a primary part of the introduction to peripheral intravascular device management. While it may seem like an abundance of common sense, hand washing and aseptic techniques themselves depend on continued knowledge acquisition and training.

Nurses must stay abreast of latest products and tools that promote hygiene in relation to the management of peripheral…. References Bregenzer, T. Is Routine Replacement of Peripheral Intravenous Catheters Necessary? Arch Intern Med. Crnich, C. The Promise of Novel Technology for the Prevention of Intravascular Device -- Related Bloodstream Infection. Pathogenesis and Short-Term Devices. Clin Infect Dis. The role of intravascular devices in sepsis. Current Infectious Disease Reports 3 6 : Elliot, T. Intravascular device infections. Journal of Medical Microbiology 27 : range theory nursing.

If accepts premise grand theories nursing longer, implications nursing education, practice, research? There is an emphasis at present on the development and use of mid-range theory in nursing. If one accepts the premise that grand theories of nursing are no longer necessary, what are the implications for nursing education, practice, and research? Nursing theories can be classified in many different ways, but one of the most common methods is to group them into grand and middle range theories. A grand theory "provides a conceptual framework under which the key concepts and principles of the discipline can be identified," while, in contrast, a "middle range theory is more precise and only analyzes a particular situation with a limited number of variables" Nursing theories: An overview, , Nursing Theories.

Mid-range theories of nursing do not attempt to…. References Entry-to-practice competencies.

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