Friday, January 14, 2022

About me essay example

About me essay example

Describe yourself in a more than physical way, about me essay example. Me I am sentimental, outgoing, indecisive, understanding, curious, naive, lazy, crazy and young. I write when I know I'm making something I love, but I also write when I'm discouraged and think I have little to say. I hope to get a BA in creative writing, and after that, I want an MFA. All About Me: Self-Analysis I come from a wealth Chinese family which my father is a businessman.

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He said that the people who understand others the best are the ones who haven't always been able to fit in. I still have a birthmark on my cheek, but I've long since become comfortable with it. I think I learned early to accept myself physically, and that's been hugely helpful as I've gone through the teenage years. When everyone else was worrying about whether they had the right shoes or bag or brand of jeans, I've spent my energy on learning about people. My bedroom at home offers a great symbol of who I am and what is important to me. The walls are simply painted and decorated with photographs of my family. My bookcases are filled with psychology texts and sociology journals, and my desk is covered in research papers.

I know this isn't the bedroom of a typical teenage girl, but I'm so excited to learn more about psychology and how other people think. I plan to spend my life trying to understand people, and I hope someday to help them in a clinical practice of my own. Be genuine in your essay, and readers will respond to it. This longer sample essay about yourself for college or high school isn't about inflated achievements. Instead, it represents what it's like to be a real student. Start with a strong introduction , such as an anecdote or specific example of your personality. Follow this with details that help the reader really understand who you are. In a longer essay, you have time to show your skills at descriptive writing.

I remember right where I was sitting the first time I wrote a poem: on the floor of my messy bedroom surrounded by dolls I hadn't played with in months. I couldn't understand why I simply didn't want to play with them anymore. I was getting older, and it scared me. I put my fears on paper, not even really intending to write a poem. I just let the words flow out of my pen, about how I couldn't even remember what my doll's voices sounded like anymore. I tentatively showed the poem to my teacher the next day at school, and I was surprised when she loved it. I hadn't really thought it was anything amazing. My teacher's encouragement gave me the support I needed to keep writing.

I began to read books of poetry, and I wrote every single day. I learned that in order to improve, I had to write whether I felt inspired or not. By the end of eighth grade, I had written poems. They weren't all great. In fact, a lot of them were really bad. A few stood out, though, and my teacher helped me enter one in a local contest. When it won, I knew I just had to keep writing. I kept at it all through high school, receiving plenty of rejections. Some of those rejections were devastating, and there were times I felt like quitting. By now, though, I thought of myself as a writer. What would I be if I stopped writing? So, I dug in and wrote. I wrote about teenage things, about heartbreak and existential crisis. I wrote about my world, about my school and the beauty of our natural surroundings.

Often, I just wrote about my perspective and tried to convey that in a way that moved other people. Now, as graduation approaches, I have been published 24 times. As soon as I meet new people who are happy to meet me, I feel extremely comfortable with them. I believe that friendship is one of the most important values in human life. We exchange new ideas, find many interesting things about each other and experience new things. I appreciate friendship and people who surround me. Meeting new people who support all my efforts to grow and develop my skills not only in the subjects but also in my hobbies gives me a lot of energy. Many of those friends who surround me now I met on the street while doing my hobby. I decided to take beautiful pictures of accidental people and share these photos with them by emails or in social media.

I feel happiness inside seeing how happy they are looking at the pictures where they are walking or sitting somewhere in the park. In this way, Liza became my best friend and we both believe that we meant to meet because she studies the same classes and we have similar life goals. I believe that it is manifesting day by day and I feel even more responsibility for what I do and where I go. The main line should be that you are not a robot, and that it is your feelings and emotions that define you as a personality. Do not get stuck with material possessions and what you have achieved in life. That has to do only with a small portion of who you are. Avoid overly simplified ideas. You are a human being after all, and your life is not as simple as it may seem after years of school.

The more substance you create out of your daily activities, the better. Longer sentences will be good. Include a few dream-like paragraphs to stress the point that you are not a robot. Sometimes it can get hard explaining your feelings and emotions, you may say. The best way to get to know people is to see how they react to stimuli. Use your essay to pick a few incidents or just more or less regular events to attempt and define what your character is at its core. Find amusing in ordinary and showcase that. Your job is to present the ordinary stuff that happens to you in a way that will make the reader want to know you better. You have to take multiple stands on what you are as a person, and include that all in an ordered form.

How do you fit with your friends, family and just immediate surrounding? Where is your place in the world? What is the purpose of your life? If a question like that is too global for your work, you can just include the things that you enjoy. It is really easy to get lost when you are writing something as vague and as perspective-oriented as an essay about yourself. People tend to choose a number of themes of who they are and try to describe them all. That would be very confusing for the reader. Not to mention that it would be hard to write and navigate in between those themes.

After all, very few people know you well enough, and it is almost certain that your essay is going to be read mostly by strangers or just people who know you marginally. What you do instead is pick one theme: which light do you want to be seen in? Once you have answered that question, you are ready to go. Stay true to the theme, and you will get a coherent piece that will get you a good grade. If you are going to write your own essay from scratch, our manual on « How to write an essay » will be useful for you.

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