Here is a look at the various causes of drug abuse and also the ways to overcome this problem:. International opinion can force them to put an end to the production of drugs in their countries, drug essay. Without work and food, Paola agreed to deal drugs for a neighbourhood kingpin. Drug addiction causes the liver of the addict to work a lot harder. There are many treatments that help people counteract the disruptive effects of drug essay addiction and regain complete control over life.
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Drug abuse involves compulsive and excessive intake of drugs over a period of drug essay. Repeated use of drugs results in developing addiction that has harmful repercussions. It is a problem that directly impacts the structure and functioning of the brain causing grave damage to it. Drug abuse, a term used for obsessive and excessive use of drugs, drug essay, is a common problem these days. Regular use of drugs is self damaging. It leads to addiction and causes behavioural changes. Drug abuse particularly impacts the brain and can also lead to other health issues such as kidney failure and heart problem. Here are essays on Drug Abuse of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.
Drug essay can select any drug abuse essay as per your need and interest:. Drug abuse is the repeated and excessive use of drugs. Drugs are initially taken out of choice, however, it becomes hard to resist them sooner than you realize. It is difficult to recover from this problem and even those who do stand a high risk of developing drug essay again, drug essay. Besides, it can also be a genetic problem. Whatever be the reason, it is essential to understand that drug abuse only aggravates the problems rather than solving them. It is thus wise drug essay stay away from it. Those who have already fallen prey to this problem can seek expert guidance to overcome it. Proper medication, support from loved ones and strong will power can take one out of the dark world of drug drug essay. The treatment for drug abuse is extended over a long period so as to ensure that the problem does not relapse.
Drug abuse refers to obsessive and excessive use of drugs. Drugs are drug essay taken by choice owing to different reasons. However, gradually it becomes difficult to resist them, drug essay. There are different reasons why people take the road to drugs. Here is a look at these and also the ways to curb this problem, drug essay. Many people have problems in their family. For them, drug abuse seems to be an easy escape from the stress caused due to those problems. Youngsters, particularly try to tackle their relationship problems by way of drug abuse. Pressure at work place and competition at the school and college level is another major cause of drug abuse.
The drug essay usually, not necessarily, runs in the family, drug essay. Different types of medications are given to people suffering from different stages of drug abuse. Here is a look at these:. This treatment helps the patients control their craving for drugs. People who stop using drugs can experience symptoms such as stress, drug essay, anxiety, mood swings, etc. They are prescribed medications to overcome these symptoms. There are many factors that can trigger a relapse. Medications are being developed to control these triggers. Drug Abuse is a common problem these days. Though hard to resist, the usage of drugs can be controlled with proper medication and guidance.
Drug abuse is a chronic disease, drug essay. Those who abuse drugs are unable to resist them despite being fully aware about their harmful consequences, drug essay. Regular intake of drugs can damage the brain adversely and can also lead to various other health problems. Brain changes caused drug essay to heavy intake of drugs can be persistent, drug essay. Drug addiction is thus known to be a relapsing problem. Here is a look at the various causes of drug abuse and also the ways to overcome this problem:. The factors causing drug abuse have mainly been classified in three categories.
Here is a look at each of these in detail:. Problems in the family, bad company, competition at work and lack of proper guidance and support from parents or teachers can often lead to drug abuse. Drug abuse can also be a genetic problem. A child stands a high chance of falling prey to drug abuse if either of his parents has been under the influence of the same. Certain mental disorders can also cause a person to turn towards drugs. Though drug addiction can develop at any age however those who begin taking drugs at an drug essay age have a high chance of getting addicted.
This is because those areas in their brain that are responsible for self-control, judgement and decision making are still in their development stage. This is the reason why teenagers are more prone to drug abuse, drug essay. It is suggested to visit a doctor and seek proper medication to overcome this problem. Most of those who are suffering from this grave problem are recommended to join a rehabilitation centre to control it. The damage caused due to drug abuse must be replenished in order to become physically and mentally fit and this can only be done by drug essay a healthy diet. It is also suggested to exercise regularly in order to keep stress at bay.
It is suggested to stick to a healthy lifestyle and steer clear of unhealthy practices such as dependence on drugs or alcohol to stay fit and active. Drug abuse is excessive, drug essay, compulsive and repeated use of drugs. Initially, a person takes drugs by choice, drug essay. Drug addiction is difficult to control and is often referred to as a relapsing disease. It mainly impacts the brain. Different people get addicted to drugs owing to different reasons. Here is a look at some of the main reasons that lead to this problem:, drug essay. Many people take to drugs to overcome the feeling of loneliness, drug essay. Many a times, people feel that they have no one to share their joys and sorrows with and they eventually take to drugs in order to get rid of this feeling.
Growing competition in schools, colleges and at drug essay leads to pressure which is often difficult to handle. Many people turn to drugs in order to handle this pressure. This is also a common reason for drug abuse. Youngsters often take to drugs in order to overcome the emotional upheaval caused due to failed relationships. Many people, mostly teenagers are just curious to find out how drugs taste as well as their after effects. Little do they know that this experimenting can lead to addiction before they would even realise.
Drug abuse is often hereditary. If drug essay of the parents is addicted to drugs, the child has a high risk of incurring the problem. While it is difficult to get out of the dark drug essay of drug abuse and it is highly likely for the problem to relapse, there are certain things that can help those trying to get rid of this problem. These are discussed below drug essay detail:. It is suggested to consult a doctor or better still join a rehabilitation centre in order to get rid of drug abuse. As easy as it is to fall prey to drug essay problem, drug essay, it is equally difficult to come out of it.
The step by step approach followed at the rehabilitation centres is an effective way to curb this issue. Your mental as well as physical health deteriorates due to heavy intake of drugs. In order to replenish the lost nutrients, it is suggested to have a healthy diet. Physical activities such as jogging, dancing, swimming, drug essay, etc promote the growth of endorphins also known as the happy hormones, drug essay. It is suggested to indulge in such activities to get rid of drug addiction as reducing the drug dosage can increase the stress level. Drug Abuse is a grave problem. Especially common among the youth these days, it can be damaging for those who are addicted as well drug essay the ones related to them.
The sensitivity of the issue must be recognized and one must not start this practice in any case, drug essay. Remember, there are better ways to handle problems such as loneliness, fear, drug essay, anxiety and drug essay break. It causes drug essay changes that make it difficult for a person to practice self-control and interfere with their power to defy the urge to take drugs. The changes in the functioning of the brain are inexorable and this is drug essay reason why it often relapses. Even those who recover stand a high risk of returning to drugs even after years of recovery.
However, this does not mean that the treatment is not effective enough. One must ensure that the treatment is not stopped. It is an ongoing process though the doctors alter the medication from time to time on the basis of the response received from the patients. Different people fall prey to this self-damaging habit due to different reasons. Some of the key reasons for drug addiction are shared below:. Feeling of emptiness can be the worst feeling and is often difficult to handle. To get drug essay of these feelings, many people take the road to drugs. They feel that drugs will help them fill the void. Many students begin taking drugs to overcome the study related stress.
Similarly, there is so much pressure in the corporate offices these days that people are unable to cope up with it.
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Above right, Nahir, 19, plays with Estela, 30, whom she considers her big sister in jail. It is, by far, the leading cause of imprisonment for women in Argentina. Escaping the drugs trap is hard for women in poor neighbourhoods. For many, drugs have been a permanent presence in their lives since their early years. Nahir, 19, in prison in Buenos Aires, takes care of her black hair and always keeps a long smile intact. She first tried cocaine when she was 15 years old. Having an addict mother, it was an almost natural thing to do. The powder was there on the bed, and she and her boyfriend tried it casually. Maria, 20, talks with her cellmate Aldana, 20, who was separated due to an argument with another inmate.
Nahir became ensnared by drugs. She became addicted and, having no money, started stealing to buy more. One day, the police chased her in the narrow alleyways of a shantytown when she went to buy drugs. She escaped and hid in an abandoned house and fell asleep for an entire day. One week, she consumed 45 grams and stole 10, pesos. It could only end in two ways: a prison cell or a coffin. She got jail. Nahir, 19, imprisoned for drug possession, is part of a group of inmates who inaugurated the young-adult ward in Unit Selling drugs is a survival strategy for women in Latin America.
They are also, in most cases, the product of their circumstances: violence, lack of education, poverty, asymmetric power relations, and inequity. Above, Yamila, 22, sunbathes on the patio of her prison ward. Right, the prisoners in the courtyard outside their cells to which they have access from 8am to 5pm. But those women are not the leaders of the drug trade. The incarceration of women for drug-related offences in the region has increased dramatically in the past two decades, and it has grown at a much higher rate than the imprisonment of men, according to the Washington Office for Latin American Affairs. Above left, prisoners study and share a moment inside their cells. Above right, prisoners watch TV in their cell. Below, Yamila, 22, talks to her relatives in jail. They are more susceptible to get caught in the clutches of drugs.
Social Pressure Another important cause behind drug addiction is peer pressure. As we are living in an extremely competitive age, it becomes very essential to grow in the world. Due to peer pressure, a lot of teenagers and young people feel the pressure to consume drugs, alcohol and smoke. For young people, it is difficult to ignore this peer pressure otherwise they will feel neglected and isolated in the group. To prevent such happenings, they get into forming a habit of consuming drugs. Existing mental condition Another major reason to try drugs is the present mental health of a person. People who are weaker on emotional levels have the tendency to feel depressed.
They search for means that sets them free and live life as per their choice. In that situation, they begin consuming drugs and slowly it becomes an addiction. Psychological Trauma A lot of drug addicts holds psychological trauma as the cause behind substance abuse. It is perceived as a self-medicating strategy to deal with their self-destructive behavior. What are the major impacts of Drug Addiction? Drug addiction is categorized as a brain ailment that modifies the entire functioning of brain. It is an irrepressible urge to consume drugs, due to which addicted people indulges in obsessive behavior to consume drugs. The addict feels it unbearable to stop consumption of drugs, due to which they fail to perform their daily responsibilities efficiently.
Drug addiction can have a long-term influence on life. It can develop acute symptoms like trembling, fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, headache, sweating, chills, changes in behavior, paranoia, poor coordination issues, nausea, dilated pupils, etc. There are several negative consequences of getting addiction to drugs. Most of them are seen on physical, mental and psychological levels. The impact of drugs on a person are profound and wide. Let us see each of them in detail. Emotional Effects The psychological influence of drug addiction comprises of craving of the drug. Some of the emotional impacts of drug addiction are depression, mood swings, anxiety, violence, reduction in day to day activities, confusion, hallucinations, and psychological tolerance towards drug effects.
Physical Effects Drug addiction cause a lot of physical effects on the person. It includes irregular heartbeat, heart attack, respiratory issues, lung cancer, contraction of HIV, kidney damage, abdominal pain, brain damage, liver problem, seizures, changes in appetite and stroke. The influence of addiction to drugs does not remains limited to a specific body organ but affects various other organs of the body. Excessive use of drugs weakens immune system. Brain and Liver Damage The presence of drug in the body deluges the brain with chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. The impact of drug addiction is also seen in newborns of drug addicts and then affects their life.
Drug addiction causes the liver of the addict to work a lot harder. This causes a lot of damage the liver of the addict. It hampers the brain function, adversely impact daily activities, impairs decision making ability, creates mental confusion, reduces memory and cause permanent damage to the brain. Legal Consequences Drug abuse causes negative impact on the mental and physical health of an addict, but can even lead to legal consequences. Individuals need to deal with these consequences throughout their life. Several firms nowadays require their employees to pass drug test prior to getting hired. Driving under the impact of drugs can even result in serious lawsuits, and heavy penalties too. By understanding all the physical, mental and legal impact of drug abuse, individuals can form informed decision with respect to their health.
When it is related to drug addiction, it is never late to ask for an assistance. You can take help of drug rehabilitation centers that offer help in combatting addiction of drugs in a completely supportive environment. Search Categories. Society Technology Healthcare
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