Monday, February 21, 2022

Argumentative essay internet

Argumentative essay internet

In my opinion, the internet is very important because we are use the internet in several ways to satisfy different needs, for example to the students in the schools are online; for that reason I believe that it's an indispensable tool for learning. Just like with all other essay types argumentative essay internet, here are a ton of topics to choose from. Marriage Act Course Work Examples. Once these writing tips have been revised and applied, argumentative essay internet, you are one step closer to mastering the art of argumentative essay writing. I'm also a young adult but I find internet uninteresting and dangerous so I approve of it having age limits.

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One of the most obvious problems with children using the internet is the chance of getting addicted. Children that have grown up using computers will naturally be more susceptible to getting hooked on the internet. Many children spend more time on the computer than they spend watching television. Most argumentative essay internet the time children spend on the computer can be attributed to the internet. We now encourage families to put the computer in family rooms, the kitchen or other busy areas. This will enable parents to keep an eye on what their children are doing and be available to answer questions, argumentative essay internet. After all, there are those who use the net to prey on children" Sheppard 3. The fact of the matter is, that the Internet and the kids of today are the future of tomorrow, without either, argumentative essay internet, the world seems to be going nowhere.

The ongoing controversy of the Internet and it's effects on children will not end anytime soon, because the Internet has greatly impacted how children are growing. Rather than speaking to their kids about the harms of the Internet, some parents want to ban the web from their children altogether. Kids are smart, argumentative essay internet, however, and will figure out ways to defy this rule. No matter how much we try to fight it, children will always be online one way or another, this makes it hard to monitor the irresponsible acts of, argumentative essay internet.

It protects the computer from software, argumentative essay internet, pictures, and argumentative essay internet children may download that could be potentially harmful to the computer. The final method to make sure children are safe online is with the use of blocking. Parents can block dangerous and inappropriate chat rooms and websites from a computer. These small changes can argumentative essay internet middle of paper know the intentions of the adult they are meeting, but their naivety does not protect them from the dangerous situations they are putting themselves in. They complain if they are forced to go out. Instead of making friends with neighborhood kids, they rather be friends with strangers on the internet.

Children care more about how people on the internet thinks of them. Since they argumentative essay internet countless hours on the internet, they do not know what is going argumentative essay internet in the real world, argumentative essay internet. Because so many people are using the internet daily, argumentative essay internet, the door for social media abuse is wide open. When children are using social media sites, they should be supervised closely by their parents. Lack of supervision could lead to exposure of different kinds of content, content that they are not used to. It is control information from being easy to reach it. Parents who wish to protect their children have argumentative essay internet use intelligent filtering software that ensuring children are using trusted sites and resource, also deny them from accessing unappreciated sites Dr.

Brenda, n. There are many reasons for parents to censor the information such as: protecting children from pornographic materials, Internet addiction, and social behavior. Parents believe that the Internet censorship is protecting our children from accessing pornographic material and harmful information. It is a scary thing to think about, argumentative essay internet. social media lets you talk to anyone, so who could your kids be talking with. Does the internet make us more social? The internet is an easily distraction for a lot of things, once you're on doing something you either switch up what you're doing on there or your parent, or a friend tells you to get off of it. From talking to people to playing games everyone is at some point on the internet for awhile.

The internet is also making more and more kids lazy to want to stay inside and not want to eat dinner or go to the store with out the game, argumentative essay internet, this is exactly how the internet argumentative essay internet getting, just like a game council, it takes your mind off things to sit down and play for about ten mins and then half hour goes by you're still on it. To prevent the internet's side effects on children parents should guide their children how to use the internet properly and monitor them without suffocating. Furthermore, if media classes which explain students reasons why they should refrain from violent video games and uncensored material argumentative essay internet help children to keep away from them.

Further researches should examine how blocking and filtering programs can be improved for detecting and preventing unwanted exposure to pornography. Moreover children who have media lessons should be observed in order to find defects and show teachers and parents how to fill the gaps. Home Page Argumentative Essay On The Use Of Internet. Argumentative Essay On The Use Of Internet Good Essays. Open Document, argumentative essay internet. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. The use of internet has been changing on these years.

The use of media is part of the human life. But the use of the internet has become a necessity on many jobs, schools and science. A big problem is with all the access of internet on cell phones, computers and TV on all places, children can access with any problem. The access to watch YouTube channel is so easy, most kids use phones at schools and home. Kids spend a lot time watching the YouTube channel creating addiction to this site. Because, without restriction children can suffer negative consequences if they use technology too much, parent should limit their child use of technology, setting a parental control, and avoid bringing electronic devices on family time.

One main problem is the use of technology in excess is bad for the kids. For example, children spend hours watching internet most half hour a day. Many websites are not appropriate for kids to watch. The access is easy to them. They like to spend playing video games online with people that they meet online, …show more content… As a parent something has to be done, argumentative essay internet, the government and company that leads these websites are not going to correct the problem of the argumentative essay internet of internet.

On conclusion, action has be taken at home to make kid understand the use of internet is helpful but at the same time is harmful. Explaining to kids that are websites can be appropriate for them and educative. Because setting time, control websites and argumentative essay internet a lot of use argumentative essay internet devices can help. Those are ways as parent can help to control more argumentative essay internet media that kids watch every day. The use of internet has supper passed the human life. Its good to keep on eye how is going to affect a kids over the next years. The information of internet is everywhere and the mind of kids is everywhere, harmful the way of. Get Access. Good Essays. Children And The Internet Words 2 Pages. Children And The Internet.

Read Argumentative essay internet. Better Essays. The Power of the Internet Words 2 Pages. The Power of the Internet. The Negative Effects Of Internet On The Internet Words 3 Pages. The Negative Effects Of Internet On The Internet. Who is Talking to Your Children Online? The Internet: The Use Of The Internet Words 4 Pages. The Internet: The Use Of The Internet. Lost in Cyberspace Words 3 Pages 8 Works Cited. Lost in Cyberspace. Satisfactory Essays. The Importance Of Internet Censorship Words 2 Pages. The Importance Of Internet Censorship. parental guidance Words 2 Pages 2 Works Cited, argumentative essay internet.

parental guidance. Does the internet make children smarter? More social? The Internet's Harm on Children Words 5 Pages. The Internet's Harm on Children. Related Topics. Internet History of the Internet Sociology World Wide Web Social network service Twitter.

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The access to watch YouTube channel is so easy, most kids use phones at schools and home. Kids spend a lot time watching the YouTube channel creating addiction to this site. Because, without restriction children can suffer negative consequences if they use technology too much, parent should limit their child use of technology, setting a parental control, and avoid bringing electronic devices on family time. One main problem is the use of technology in excess is bad for the kids. For example, children spend hours watching internet most half hour a day. Many websites are not appropriate for kids to watch. The access is easy to them. They like to spend playing video games online with people that they meet online, …show more content… As a parent something has to be done, the government and company that leads these websites are not going to correct the problem of the use of internet.

On conclusion, action has be taken at home to make kid understand the use of internet is helpful but at the same time is harmful. Explaining to kids that are websites can be appropriate for them and educative. Because setting time, control websites and avoid a lot of use of devices can help. Those are ways as parent can help to control more the media that kids watch every day. The use of internet has supper passed the human life. Its good to keep on eye how is going to affect a kids over the next years. The information of internet is everywhere and the mind of kids is everywhere, harmful the way of.

Get Access. Good Essays. Children And The Internet Words 2 Pages. Children And The Internet. Read More. Better Essays. The Power of the Internet Words 2 Pages. The Power of the Internet. The Negative Effects Of Internet On The Internet Words 3 Pages. The Negative Effects Of Internet On The Internet. Who is Talking to Your Children Online? The Internet: The Use Of The Internet Words 4 Pages. The Internet: The Use Of The Internet. Lost in Cyberspace Words 3 Pages 8 Works Cited. Today, internet is a easy medium for everyone to use. It is obvious that use more time online are the young people, with both positive and negative consequences. The main advantage of internet is that enables to learn more things easily, for instance a language. Another advantage of this topic is that everyone is connected to each other.

The most serious disadvantage of internet is the no security, because there isn't privacy and you don't know the person behind the screen, so it can be whoever. Another negative aspect of this argument is the waste of time, because we spend a lot of time for unnecessary things. In my opinion internet is a good things for young people however we shouldn't use them too much and badly. I think that Internet has a positive and negative points. In addiction you can maintain contacts with your friends or relatives or know new people. On the other hand many people spend much time online and become addicted to it, so many parents are worried about their children. Moreover we often hear about cyberbulling and some people insult and make fun other people. Personally I think the Internet is very useful but we have to use it in a correct and responsible way.

the internet is not bad the pepole who use it make it bad the internet is not dangerous for pepole that want to learn that want to communicate meet other pepole it is dangerous for the pepole that are looking for something dangerous that's the truth about the internet the parents think that the internet is the fault no the pepole who use it is the fault the internet just done his work. In my opinion, useing the internet can be dangerous for some young people 'cause they can share their own information and then their "pen-friends" use it. On the other hand, internet is grete way to became more comunicative and to improve your skills like at learning foreign languages or finding out new information.

So, please, be attantive! The internet has become an essential thing in our live, It allows us to do some incredibly things just in a few moments, for example; we can learn anything we want just by a simple click , we can talk to our families in Austarlia even if we are in England , we can make new friendships with other people and know their culture On the other hand, the internet have some cons , and it is very dangerous for children to use it , so it is the responsability of parents to controle their children and teach them the right way to use it. In general the advantages of the internet overweigh the dangers , personally, I can't imagine my live without internet :.

I think that the internet has some advantages and disadvantages nowadays. The advantages of the internet are people can search a lot of information on the internet now and kids can play games on the internet. I still think there are some disadvantages on the internet today. Sometimes, there are websites that we can't trust and kids can accidentally click on a website that is not meant for their age. In my opinion, the internet is a very great invention that was made. I hope that the internet will improve over the time and be more usable for all ages.

I think excessive using of the internet is bad for young people, just like this article. I have seen some people who are addicted to the internet, You tube, Social Media and games. I think everyone who I can see in the subway always looking their smartphones, even IPads and laptops. They are always listening to musics, watching movies, playing games and reading articles. So maybe the benefits of the internet is you can find the information on the internet easily and quickly. Also, people can have fun using it and it is very reasonable. But, the other hand, you should depend on the internet secretly and your ability of make decisions. And also there are bad videos and fake news in the internet, aren't those?

So personally, I agree with the topic text: it is bad for the young people. I think we should make limits of using the internets for them. In my opinion, the internet is very important because we are use the internet in several ways to satisfy different needs, for example to the students in the schools are online; for that reason I believe that it's an indispensable tool for learning. Networks or internet is the modern technology of people today, with both positive and negative that have a significant impact on development on human civilization. Nowadays, people are using the networks for a lot of purpose. For instance, Rearch information on the internet, playing game, or reading newspapers, all of is using the internet.

Students can do research information for their schoolwork or learning something available helps to wide us knowledge and improve another skills. On the other hand, there are also ecildoing. Some people take advantage of the useful social net works to do bad things. Such as the hacker steals person's personal information. And several teeagers addicted to waste too much times to play online game. Finally, in my opinion, we have to learn how can you be more intentional about how you are spending your time? And using social media effcetively. Nowadays, people are using the internet in several ways to satisfy different needs such as finding a job, communicating with others or accessing education. On the other hand, internet also allows another kind of misbehavior: crime, bullying, spying, Another drawback is the capacity of internet to produce addition in some people, whom waste hours and hours connected to it.

To sum up, internet has its advantages but also their dangers. Personally I think that we can use internet but everybody should be careful of how to use it. Internet sometimes is helpful but sometimes is harmful. Table of contents When do you write an argumentative essay? Approaches to argumentative essays Introducing your argument The body: Developing your argument Concluding your argument Frequently asked questions about argumentative essays. You might be assigned an argumentative essay as a writing exercise in high school or in a composition class. At university, the vast majority of essays or papers you write will involve some form of argumentation.

For example, both rhetorical analysis and literary analysis essays involve making arguments about texts. At a university level, all the prompts below imply an argumentative essay as the appropriate response. Your research should lead you to develop a specific position on the topic. The essay then argues for that position and aims to convince the reader by presenting your evidence, evaluation and analysis. An argumentative essay should be objective in its approach; your arguments should rely on logic and evidence, not on exaggeration or appeals to emotion.

There are many possible approaches to argumentative essays, but there are two common models that can help you start outlining your arguments: The Toulmin model and the Rogerian model. The Toulmin model consists of four steps, which may be repeated as many times as necessary for the argument:. The Toulmin model is a common approach in academic essays. You might:. The Rogerian model also consists of four steps you might repeat throughout your essay:. This model builds up a clear picture of both sides of an argument and seeks a compromise. It is particularly useful when people tend to disagree strongly on the issue discussed, allowing you to approach opposing arguments in good faith.

Regardless of which approach you take, your essay should always be structured using an introduction , a body , and a conclusion. Scribbr Plagiarism Checker. Like other academic essays, an argumentative essay begins with an introduction. The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts is on the rise, and its role in learning is hotly debated. For many teachers who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its critical benefits for students and educators—as a uniquely comprehensive and accessible information source; a means of exposure to and engagement with different perspectives; and a highly flexible learning environment.

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