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Occupational therapy essays

Occupational therapy essays

Boston: Little, Brown and Company, occupational therapy essays, The Latin term "Magis" means 'the greater good' relates to how a person needs to be well-acquainted with…. Bune's constuctivist theoy and the conceptual paadigms of Kolb's Expeiential Leaning theoy dawing on the associated theoies ae Kinesthetic and Embodied Leaning. GET WOWESSAYS Occupational therapy essays Beat Movement of the 's and the Roots of a New Counter Culture Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper :


Specifically, by focusing on their individual strengths and weaknesses, leaders are able to develop strategies that are tailor-made to address the needs of their organizations. Equally, heath care organizations have benefited greatly from advanced nurse practitioners with a thorough understanding of the importance of leveraging their leadership strengths to effect change within their organizations, to build effective teams, and to make their specific visions become a reality. Specifically, this discussion will define my view…. I believe that I am a well-qualified candidate for a position within the field of occupational therapy predicated upon several interests in my life that have held imperative value: a strong awareness of how the body and mind tie together to comprise the human experience, a desire to utilize patient-centered care while promoting independence for individuals across the lifespan, and a drive to engage in scientific occupational therapy essays through research.

What initially influenced my decision to pursue a career in occupational therapy was the notion that treatment within this profession is holistic; essentially, occupational therapy essays, it encompasses the mind and body whilst so many other health professions fail to do so. Occupational therapy practitioners ensure adequate therapeutic outcomes for their patients by naturally and artistically integrating all aspects of the human experience. Consequentially, the importance of this holistic approach struck me the most while studying human anatomy within a cadaver laboratory. This was a course in which I was engrossed in…, occupational therapy essays. Each nurse is unique and will have a unique philosophy but there will be similarities that us together as a profession Masters,p.

The exercise of articulating my nursing philosophy is one that I find important. Although this was a fitting description for critical thinking, occupational therapy essays, it did not necessarily apply to nursing. Scheffer and Rubenfeld applied the Delphi Report to critical thinking of nursing. Effective communication is central to the availability of compassionate, occupational therapy essays, prime quality medical aid. within the journal article; Effective communication skills in nursing apply, Bramhall examines however communication may be outlined as a method throughout that info is shared through the exchange of occupational therapy essays and nonverbal messages.

confirmatory relationships with patients and carers grow from contact with heat, real and caring…. Therefore, engaging patients in their own care is vital because it promotes a sense of entitlement, making them realize they are part…. These factors involve faith, hope, cultivating sensitivity to self and others, promoting and accepting both positive and negative feelings, occupational therapy essays, and providing supportive, occupational therapy essays, protective, and corrective mental, physical, socio-cultural, and spiritual environments Jean Watson 's Theory of Nursing, n. This theory looks at people as a part of a larger whole, and treats them…. The article goes on to state the nursing profession will maintain a positive, vital role in the future as health care costs and delivery continues to become more challenging.

Care based ethics with its focus on human rights, and dignity, and its emphasis on relationships is what will be required to help counterbalance those inevitable challenges Woods, The parallels between nursing practice and the ethics of care theory are demonstrated with their similar characteristics. Philosophy of Nursing Building a philosophy of nursing is an important aspect of nursing. Expressing your unique nursing philosophy is valuable in guiding your nursing care. There is no wrong way to create a personal philosophy of nursing Hountras, The most important thing is that your philosophy is meaningful and applicable to your practice of nursing Hountras, Many different parts go into creating a philosophy, which includes the various aspects of a philosophy of nursing compared to nursing standards and theories a link between my philosophy of nursing and the nursing profession.

The Model of Human Occupation MOHO is an occupation-focused, evidence-based, client-centered approach to OT practice Forsyth et al. Occupational therapy essays looks at each clients volition motivationhabituation includes habits and rolesand performance capacity mental and physical abilities Kielhofner, While there are many other quality and useful frames of references, the idea of utilizing the interests of my clients to make progress is paramount. The philosophy of occupational therapy rests so heavily on this idea occupational therapy essays intrinsic motivation and I want to be an occupational therapist who bases each intervention and treatment plan on it. Section Four As an occupational therapist, I plan on occupational therapy essays my growth by seeking out a mentor occupational therapist who can guide me through further development of my skills and help me achieve my goals, occupational therapy essays.

Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool, occupational therapy essays. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Occupational Therapy Essay. Occupational Therapy Essay Words 5 Pages Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. Read More. Words: - Pages: 4. Statement Of Purpose To Pursue A Career In Occupational Therapy I believe that I am a well-qualified candidate for a position within the field of occupational therapy predicated upon several interests in my life that have held imperative value: a strong awareness of how the body occupational therapy essays mind tie together to occupational therapy essays the human experience, a desire to utilize patient-centered care while promoting independence for individuals across the lifespan, and a drive to engage in scientific inquiry through research.

Words: - Pages: 7. Words: - Pages: 2, occupational therapy essays. Effective Communication In Nursing Occupational therapy essays communication is central to the availability of compassionate, prime quality medical aid. Words: - Pages: 8. My Philosophy Of Nursing These factors involve faith, hope, cultivating sensitivity to self and others, promoting and accepting both positive and negative feelings, and providing supportive, occupational therapy essays, protective, and corrective mental, physical, socio-cultural, and spiritual environments Jean Watson 's Theory of Nursing, n. Nursing Philosophy Essay Philosophy of Nursing Building a philosophy of nursing is an important aspect of nursing.

Occupational Therapy Reflection The Model of Human Occupation MOHO is an occupation-focused, evidence-based, client-centered approach to OT practice Forsyth et al. Ready To Get Started? Create Flashcards. Occupational therapy essays Create Flashcards Mobile apps. Company About FAQ Support Legal Accessibility. Follow Facebook Twitter. Privacy Policy CA Privacy Policy Site Map Advertise Cookie Settings.

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Abstract Occupational therapy is prevalent in healthcare, especially in addressing the concerns of children and obesity. There are numerous risks if a child is obese or overweight including being bullied, marginalized, and facing obesity in later adulthood. Nevertheless, there are preventative and innovative approaches that are needed to reduce the health impact of childhood obesity […]. This is also obvious when looking at the demographics of occupational therapy clients. Because occupational therapy is often not seen as essential health care which basic insurance and medicaid would cover, only […]. Essay examples. Essay topics. Applied behavio analysis and a focus on eveyday occupations activities will be combined duing the intevention phase.

Reinfocement will be fo subtask completion and duation of paticipation, NOT fo absence of taget maladaptive o disuptive behavios. Inteventions will occu daily, Monday though Fiday. A single-subject, multiple-baseline, acoss-subjects design with nine subjects will be used to evaluate change in behavios unde altenating conditions. Data will be analyzed…. references, and favorites Child and Family Assets Abilities, strengths, skills, accomplishments, and capabilities Functional and Meaningful Interactions Purposeful interactions; ways interests and assets are used in everyday life. According to Kane and Houston-Vega, Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia and manifests as "an insidious memory impairment, with other possible symptoms including aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, and disturbances in executive functioning" p.

In a highly multicultural society such as characterizes the United Kingdom today, identifying any relevant cultural factors that must be taken into account when formulating walking regimens as proposed herein. For example, Kane and his colleagues report, "There are differing epidemiological rates for dementia among the various ethno-cultural groups. Additionally, there are differing values, beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, coping strategies, and needs related to Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. This is evidenced by an expanding body of literature that describes the effect of mental health concerns, such as dementia, on diverse ethno-cultural groups" p.

Beyond the challenges to the provision of a cost-effective, community-based walking regimen is the difficulty involved in…. References College of Occupational Therapists Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. College of Occupational Therapists. Ebersole, P. Toward healthy aging: Human needs and nursing response. Louis, MO: Mosby. Evans, S. Talking over the years: A handbook of dynamic psychotherapy with older adults. New York: Brunner-Routledge. Hill, R. Geriatric residential care. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

In addition, small frequent feeds, and a large amount of fluid is provided to maintain the nutritional needs of the patient and prevent dehydration. The r suctioning of secretions proves necessary in preventing aspiration of secretions. The loss of voluntary muscle's activity increases the risks of accumulation of secretions hence, the need for regular suctioning. Bulbar involvement often results in communication complications such as dysarthria and muscle paralysis of the muscles of the face, throat, and tongue. As such, it requires the provision of management strategies such as augmentative and alternative communication AAC techniques and other forms of speech therapy that improves the communication abilities of patients with ALS.

Pseudobulbar effects that often accompany those brought by the frontotemporal lobe degeneration often require the administration of antidepressants. The antidepressants manage mood disorder that presents through disproportionate crying, and inappropriate response to the external stimuli. Maximizing patients' comfort and…. References Brettschneider, J. Microglial activation and TDP pathology correlate with executive dysfunction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Acta Neuropathologica, 3 , -- Microstructural white matter correlates of emotion recognition impairment in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

Cortex, 53, 1 -- 8. Mary Law entitled: "Autism Spectrum Disorders and Occupational Therapy' states of the autistic child that this child "may be the child who is standing in the middle of the field at recess spinning around in circles, or she may be the child who can't stand the way a certain fabric feels on her body or the way a certain texture of food feels in her mouth, or it may be the child who is throwing a severe temper tantrum because they just can't communicate their needs. Bibliography Bellini, Scott and Pratt, Cathy Early Intervention for Young Children on the Autism Spectrum: Parent's Perspective.

IRCA Articles html Law, Mary Autism Spectrum Disorders and Occupational Therapy. Briefing to the Senate Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists. doc Benson, Bernadette and Dewey, Deborah Parental Stress and Needs in Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. shtml Stahmer, Aubyn C. Journal of Autism Development Disorder. August 37 7. Patient Perceptions of Participation in Treatment Several studies have revealed that patients generally prefer to learn everything they can about their illness and the proposed treatment plan, and even have some control during the planning stage reviewed in Lund, Tamm, and Branholm, On the other hand, studies have found that occupational therapists typically underestimate this desire and tend to perceive patients as passive and uncooperative.

The gap between the patient's wishes to actively participate and the therapists' perceptions of that willingness can result in a number of problems, including patient compliance with treatment plans and goals. Strategies to minimize the size of this gap could therefore lead to more effective rehabilitation of the patient's disability. A study was conducted in Sweden that examined patients' experiences as a rehabilitation patient and the professional's view of the interaction Lund, Tamm, and Branholm, Patients were enrolled from acute care in surgery,…. References Lund, Maria Larsson, Tamm, Maare, and Branholm, Inga-Britt.

Patients' perception of their participation in the rehabilitation planning and professionals' view of their strategies to encourage it. Occupational Therapy International, 8 3 , Skidmore, Elizabeth R. Cognitive and affective predictors of rehabilitation participation after stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91 2 , Birth to Three Special Needs Brochure Early Intervention and Early Detection Georgia's Babies Can't Wait Program The Babies Can't Wait BCW program in the State of Georgia is the service delivery system for children between birth and three years of age who have developmental delays or a disability GDPH, Once a child has been referred to the BCW program, either by a family member or physician, the parents are contacted within a few days to schedule an initial interview GDH, During the interview parents are given information about BCW services, are asked to sign consent forms, and if the child is determined to be eligible an evaluation is scheduled.

The Value of…. References GDHR Georgia Department of Human Resources. Frequently asked questions for physicians: Getting started with Babies Can't Wait. Retrieved 23 Aug. GDPH Georgia Department of Public Health. Babies Can't Wait: Frequently asked questions. The exploration of phenomena is a desire that has been stirred in my heart. There a so many different problems and challenges in the occupational therapy arena that research is obligatory. I believe that I have the right academic foundation to be successful at research projects. I am a member of the psy chi honor society starting from January I graduated with a GPA of 3. Consequently, I am of the view that my performance academically is meritorious and provides me with the adequate basis to engage in research work.

Giving back to society is a pillar upon which I have built my life and is a core value I espouse. When you are a beneficiary of the largess of others, it is an imperative that you allow other persons to profit…. One of the elements of FIU that is very attractive to me is the research focus. When you are a beneficiary of the largess of others, it is an imperative that you allow other persons to profit from your good fortune. Accordingly, I engage in volunteer work wherever I can. I have volunteered for programs such as the Psychosocial Developmental Interventions. This program focuses on adolescents who are identified as at risk or who have manifested certain types of problems.

Working with adolescents is taxing and simultaneously deeply gratifying. To expand my experiential knowledge I also worked with therapy centers as the Galloway home and the ABC therapy center. I volunteered at these centers for two 6-month periods. At the Leon Medical center, I worked directly with patients from to I have a general love for life and a strong belief in the tenacity of the human spirit. A place at FIU would be the beginning of my journey into the accumulation of personal skills and training that will be directed to serving humanity. In this regard, FIU therefore is the facility that will give wings to my dreams and fledging passions.

The combination of academic excellence and a student hospitable environment provides the ideal climate for the pursuit of excellence. I eagerly anticipate advancing my academic career as a graduate student at FIU. Healthcare Master Case Study Baum, C. eliability, Validity, and Clinical Utility of the Executive Function Performance Test: A Measure of Executive Function in a Sample of People With Stroke The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 62 4 ; pg Study rationale. The research study is designed to assess the validity and reliability of a test for executive function in post-stroke occupational therapy patients.

Clinical tests of executive function may not be good predictors of a patient's ability to function in day-to-day life. The Executive Function Performance Test EFPT employs ordinary daily living skills in which the post-stroke patients are likely to have engaged in the past, and are reasonable target behaviors for adaptation to independent or supported living arrangements. The test is particularly valuable in that it offers a convenient test for executive function using real-world tasks. esearch design. An experimental design is employed in this study. References Baum, C.

Reliability, validity, and clinical utility of the executive function performance test: A measure of executive function in a sample of people with stroke, The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 62 4 , pdf Chaytor, N. The ecological validity of neuropsychological tests: A review of the literature on everyday cognitive skills. Neuropsychology Review, 13, -- Latin phrase of "Cura Personalis" relates to how an individual needs to pay special attention to the well-being of individuals around him or her. The phrase means 'Care for the entire person' and emphasizes that one should not generalize when it comes to people, as they each have a unique perspective on life and as they each need to be provided with particular attitudes. Cura Personalis is one of the most important concepts in Ignatian spirituality and when taken into regard from this perspective it can involve the series of beneficial attitudes that individuals take on when they are present in the educational environment.

Individuals dealing with educational and professional goals in the context of Cura Personalis need to focus on getting actively involved in assisting others experience religious and spiritual development. The Latin term "Magis" means 'the greater good' relates to how a person needs to be well-acquainted with…. Hypothesis: Stroke will have a negative effect on executive functioning in real-world tasks. The EFTP measures executive cognitive functions initiation, organization,…. Reliability, Validity, and Clinical Utility of the Executive Function Performance Test. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 62 4 , In order to avoid that for this study, reliability of the EFPT was measured through trained raters who rated participants. How they were rated by the EFPT and by the other raters were then compared.

Define validity. How was validity of the instruments assessed in this study? In order to determine whether the instrument was valid, there was construct validity and criterion validity that had to be tested. Construct validity is requiring a test to be able to distinguish between people who have and who do not have a known trait. This was assessed by determining whether the EFPT was able to distinguish people based on their level of stroke. Criterion validity was determined by comparing the EFPT scores with a lot of scores that were established for these same patients on neuropsychological tests.

Summarize Table 1. Table one offered demographic information as well as information regarding how well the…. Bibliography Baum et. Reliability, Validity, and Clinical Utility of the Executive Function Performance Test: A Measure of Executive Function in a Sample of People With Stroke The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 62 4 , Retrieved August 29, from Proquest. She doesn't need any interventions, and her newest occupation is being a freshman at a big university. I asked Sarah, "Do you feel harmonious with the world? After living in Spain and making friends with young Spaniards, who thought it was amazing that a blind American girl would come over to Spain to finish high school, I have more confidence than ever before.

I am in harmony, and when I get my degree and begin working as a journalist I will be writing about people who need to find harmony, or who have already found it and are thriving as individuals. She travels alone, she knows how to negotiate her way…. Works Cited Crist, Patricia. The Occupational Profile in Fieldwork. Iwama, Michael K. The Kawa Model: The power of culturally responsive occupational therapy. Disability and Rehabilitation,. opportunity to work at a nursing home, offering my support during physical, occupational, and speech therapy sessions. These sessions offered insight into diverse types of therapy.

I worked with a range of different health care workers and specialists, lending insight into how each member of the health care team coordinates their efforts and communicates with each other as well as with patients and family. One of the types of therapy sessions that I supported at the nursing home was therapy with animals. We brought in several animals to assist with therapy, including dogs, cats, and exotic creatures. Therapy Dogs International n. provided the animals and sometimes the trainer. The seniors responded well to these therapy sessions, and I intend to support such programs in the future by perhaps providing fund raising for organizations that offer animal therapy.

I am also interested more in music and art therapy after performing and…. References Brown, J. Physical and occupational therapy in nursing homes. pdf Therapy Dogs International n. The study will also be important to those in the future, because scientists have not yet found ways to cure these chronic illnesses or correct some of these problems that are seen today, and therefore it stands to reason that there will be more people in the future who will have to face the same problems as those with chronic illnesses and traumatic injuries today. Scope of the Study The scope of the study is relatively large, simply because there has been a great deal written about chronic illness and injuries from the perspective of the physician and from the perspective of the patient.

Both sides are important, although the focus here will remain largely on the patient perspective. Because there are so many people today that suffer from a chronic illness or traumatic injury, much study has been done about these individuals. Despite these studies, however, not a lot…. References Anderson, B. Biobehavioral Outcomes Following Psychological Interventions for Cancer Patients. Journal of Counsulting and Clinical Psychology, 70 3 , Brannon, L. Health Psychology: Vol.. An Introduction to Behavior and Health Fifth ed. DiMatteo, M. Social Support and Patient Adherence to Medical treatment: A Meta- analysis.

Health Psychology, 23 2 , Eitel, P. Burden of Self-Care in Seriously Ill Patients Impact on Adjustment. Health Psychology, 14 5 , Incontinence is another condition not frequently intimated to their doctor. Less than a third of them actually report falls despite the availability of initiatives and measures, which can address falls. These include home-based exercises, home environment assessment, cataract surgery, medication review and Vitamin D and calcium supplements CFA. Falls Prevention Intervention Studies reveal the importance of physical activity in preventing or reducing the risk of falls among older persons in the community and at home Rose There is, however, limited evidence at present that physical activity benefits very weak ones in care facilities.

Physical activity promises benefit to healthy older adults against the risk of falls. Those at moderate risk, on the other hand, will gain more from structured exercise programs aimed at risk factors, which can be manipulated or changed. They can be adjusted to progress according to the individual's capabilities and earlier physical activity experience. And those…. Therapist Interview Child Therapist The goals of a child therapist are to improve the participation and performance of the child in all the daily activities of the child. The therapist accesses the child and tries to modify the environment in which the child could perform independently.

Sometimes the therapist works with the child to improve specific skills of the child. The therapist also works with the teachers and parents of the child so that they can help the children be more comfortable and participate well in the community. Dominica, James Miller James Miller is a child therapist, who is licensed as a Psychological Counselor. He has been in practice for 10 years in a private sector which serves the children with emotional needs, depression, anxiety and other psychological disorders. He chooses this professional to help children in the development phase so as to implant positivity for their future life.

References Dominica, S. Occupational Therapy for Special Needs Children. Martin, A. Cognitve Approches to Counselling. Edwards Syndrome, Trisomy 18 8 sources Print Sources online Sources All questions answered essay mandatory : -What? Discription genetic disorder -What genes chromosomes linked disorder? Edwards syndrome which is also known as Trisomy 18 is a genetic disorder that is caused by the presence of a third copy of chromosome 18 instead of the normal two copies. The extra 18th chromosome comes as a result of nondisjunction of the chromosomal material during meiosis. As a result of failure in the segregation of a chromosome to the daughter cells, there can be errors in the meiotic division leading to an extra chromosome.

This extra chromosome usually occurs before conception and it is the second most common autosomal trisomy that carries to term after Down syndrome though it is more common in females than males…. References Buyse, M. Birth Defect Encyclopedia Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell Scientific Publications. Canfield, M. Kirby, R. Birth defects research. Part A, Clinical and molecular teratology, 76 11 , HealthStar PR. First Peer-Reviewed Data For New Noninvasive Prenatal Test Published By Aria Diagnostics. Medical News Today.

php Merritt, T. Trisomy 18 and Trisomy Treatment and Management Decisions. NeoReviews, 13 1 , ee doi: Employing Evidence-ase Practice The influence of evidence-based practice EP has found reverberations in the field of medical care giving, academia and scientific endeavors. The need for evidence-based quality arises from the need to afford improved healthcare services that are faster, accurate, and more effective. The nurses have responded to the emerging guidelines set by National expert groups. They have reoriented their practices along the lines of the evidence-based practices that have now accentuated their services and will continue to add value to their industry.

The redesigning activities have touched upon the facets of academic background and training as well as field practices. They also took initiative to redesign the methodology to be followed by incorporating the scientifically proven methods and updating their information with the inputs contained from their fraternity elsewhere in the country Stevens, Bibliography Bennett, S. The process of evidence-based practice in occupational therapy: Informing clinical decisions. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, Bury, T. Evidence-based healthcare explained. Mead Eds , Evidence-based healthcare. A practical guide for therapists pp. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann. Bennett, K. A controlled trial of teaching critical appraisal of the clinical literature to medical students.

JAMA, , Egan, M. The client-centered evidence-based practice of occupational therapy. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65, Intervention in Action Working Across Disciplines to Support Infants With Multiple Disabilities and Their Families Module 5; Sensory Processing in the Context of Early Intervention In the words of Holloway , when it comes to working with children with multiple disabilities, giving their behaviors interpretations from a sensory point-of-view is of utmost importance to give goal setting and activity selection the right direction.

From this point-of-view and of many other researchers and studies, paying keen attention to children with multiple disabilities is very important. This ensures that their behaviors and the changes in the behaviors is not misinterpreted and also allows the interventionists involved in their daily activities to fully understand them and gain the knowledge of how to help them. Working with such children needs open minded people who are willing to study and work side by side with them in order to fully understand their needs. It will…. Understanding Sensory Issues in Young Children [Video File]. com Connecticut State Department of Education.

Guidelines for Occupational Therapy in Educational Settings. Sensory Processing in the Context of Early Intervention, Part 2. Chen, Early Intervention in Action: Working Across Disciplines to Support Infants with Multiple Disabilities and Their Families pp. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Snell, R. Motor Development and Physical Disabilities. Blindness Aspergers Equivalence, availability, and participation are taken for granted by people without special needs. People with special needs understand that working methods and utility help create vibrant participation in community life. Visual impairments and blindness create the need to interact with the world in completely different ways from sighted people.

Likewise, a person with a developmental disorder like Asperger's also requires nuanced methods of interacting. These two conditions are prime examples of how environments and people can be adapted to suit all residents of a community, in order to foster social justice and equality. Blindness can be congenital, meaning the individual has been blind since birth. Others lose their sight over time or suddenly as the result of an injury, illness, accident, or disease. Either way, visual impairment impacts the ability of the person to accommodate daily reality. A person who has been blind since birth has learned how…. References "Blindness," html Mayo Clinic Staff Asperger's Syndrome.

Blindness and vision loss. htm National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Asperger's Syndrome Fact Sheet. All these professionals work together in order to establish a rehabilitation plan that works best for each individual. The component members of the team are subject to change in accordance with each individual's needs and requirements. Also, the center holds interdisciplinary conferences. The Palm Gardens Center does not use volunteers in its activity. The reason behind this choice relies on the fact that this center is a for profit organization.

All the individuals employed here are paid. Most of them work full time, but there are also part time employees. In management's opinion, it is not a good idea to use volunteers, because people that are not financially motivated tend to not perform their tasks as good as they are supposed to. Basically, if one wants something done properly, the activity in cause must be remunerated in accordance. The Palm Gardens Center is very involved in the life of the…. Reference list: 1. Mission The Palm Gardens Center. Staffing Information Palm Gardens Nursing Home, Brooklyn, NY Hospital Data, Hospitals and Nursing Homes Profiles.

Retrieved March 25, Stroke Hearing Impaired Stroke Victims Plan: Physical, Occupational, Speech, and Psychological Therapies Implementation: Daily regimen, with one of the four core areas physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and psychological therapy emphasized or addressed on each day. Evaluation: After each session, therapist will write a thorough evaluation of the patient including a progress report. After the end of each six-week period, a thorough progress report will be shared among the various members of the health care team in a collaborative setting. The follow-up will consist of maintenance therapies in each of the four core areas.

Documentation of Actions and Activities: According to the National Stroke Association , the activities and actions should begin immediately after the stroke. The Physical Therapy sessions will include yoga and other systematic movement interventions to improve coordination, balance, strength, and range of motion. Evaluation of Industry Market Rivals, Essay Example. Incident Handling Procedures, Essay Example. Need a professionally written Custom Essay? Right now, you can get a professionally written essay in any discipline with a. We're now sending you a link to download your e-book, please check your e-mail. Thank you! You can receive the notifications now. It's pleasure to stay in touch!

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Get a Free E-Book! Occupational Therapy, Case Study Example. Pages: 4 Words: Case Study. Need a custom Case Study written for you? HIRE A WRITER! Occupational Therapy: A Client Centered Analysis and Project Planning Client Demographic and Medical Information The client is a female who lives alone in her own apartment. Target Point of Development: Goal of Therapy Daily Activities The client basically wants to function normally again especially when it comes to moving the legs freely and specifically breathing normally with no specific hindrances to the function of the respiratory system. Other Goals Short Term Goals: Activity: Assistance to patient when it comes to dressing herself up [this shall include a 20 to 30 minute dressing up so as to make a considerable approach in helping the patient train to do the task] Rationale: Patient expresses her desire to dress on her own without assistance later on but accepts the fact that as of now she needs to practice regularly to be able to attain the said state.

Occupational Therapy Interventions Preparatory Method The client should be specifically prepared in three different aspects of development specifically considering physical, mental and emotional factors of individuality. Purposeful Activity In the process of preparation, it is important to have a correlative talk with the client which shall further help her redefine her being alongside the developments that she is supposed to incur through the time frame being completed for the therapy. Retrieved November 3, Walking needs to pick up from short and slow applications towards longer times depending on the capability of the client to identify himself along with the process.

Breathing exercises are designed to manage the function of the respiratory system. Retrieved on November 3, Proper breathing exercises allow the client to develop a defense on the tiredness felt during particular aspects of the therapy. If needed, medication could be applied to support the process. Stuck with your Case Study? Get in touch with one of our experts for instant help! Messenger Live chat.

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